I do not ignore people. So if I am not responding to a tag/message etc, it means I left Mara up on my computer, but am afk. Sorry!
Taalaa is my collections pet.
Kriegerr is my transform/battle pet
STAFF: I have been playing back and forth on my phone and computer lately. Also my daughter (MasterCat) and I both play from the same house.
~Attention staff: I log into different computers. 2 at my house, sometimes my phone, and when I travel, whatever computer I can get my hands on if I am having Marapets withdrawals. :) My daughter (MasterCat) might use the same Ip address as me. I do not know what that means, but I see people notate it on here. :) We usually play from separate devices, but always same internet.
So what inspired this blog is the absence of Abs. I miss her SO much! And really, really wish I had saved some of her dolls so I could remember her amazing style in fine detail. I am in no means saying we will lose anyone else in our Mara community. But people do stop playing, or go on a long hiatus etc. And I just want a way to save some of my favorite looks on here that have inspired me or just made me feel good inside.
♥Abs♥ Doll screenshot on July 9, 2016 [img]https://i.imgur.com/WdgLxXx.png[/img]
Seeing as my list for these incredible dolls has grown, I am going to have two blogs (For now) This one will contain my club members dolls I put in these blogs, the other will contain all the other amazing doll makers on Mara. ♥ So...In no particular order...
[img]https://i.imgur.com/bqfXZzY.png[/img] Painter Doll----------------------Phantom of the Opera Doll [img]https://dolls.marapets.com/images/c8c133970b86fefd9ff13c12cd9230a6.png[/img][img]https://dolls.marapets.com/images/0b22d7d2751722278f51101ba36d864f.png[/img]
[img]https://i.imgur.com/Yo5boUZ.png[/img] Party Gumball Doll---------Poison Costume Doll [img]https://dolls.marapets.com/images/af835260209da612ab866df5d595f5f9.png[/img][img]https://dolls.marapets.com/images/f7d2b96469f8aafc51eb5f3f4da037c7.png[/img]
Challenge Doll using a prize Shirt-------Gaston [img]https://dolls.marapets.com/images/24bb10ad90dfdf19246026b2af670b9c.png[/img][img]https://dolls.marapets.com/images/51cee3eead23affdf6466324fc9ab890.png[/img]
Skeleton Doll---------------------------Zuko This is the first doll I saw you make,--------------------------- OMG love horror at first sight. haha------------------------- [img]https://dolls.marapets.com/images/65ddf12dea501efb581feabf1f26b92c.png[/img][img]https://dolls.marapets.com/images/752219e5ee111d2bfe89c3631a134a8f.png[/img]
Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett [img]https://dolls.marapets.com/images/2594edbd2d12180ea674a5829a5b7388.png[/img][img]https://dolls.marapets.com/images/6bb0fe99938f6deca39dd14c0b465192.png[/img]
Fire Lord Ozai-----------------------------Modeled after "brew in skull" [img]https://dolls.marapets.com/images/04f59b15bbccf50350959f4384e92259.png[/img] [img]https://dolls.marapets.com/images/b37dfc86f8d0919668f3705abcd24e94.png[/img]
Christmas Tree Doll [img]http://dolls.marapets.com/images/f80d8f56ed53a689bf4867e9b4cf4428.png[/img]
Cinderella and Prince Charming [img]https://dolls.marapets.com/images/a4c8a62858734a13121eab2b1281c222.png[/img][img]https://dolls.marapets.com/images/af8f886fec51e60ca7e8642c3125b27c.png[/img]
love them all so awesome. Im glad im not the only one who loves making the dolls
16 years, 2 months & 11 days ago 4th Nov 2018 06:19
@tygirlz18 There are some seriously talented people on Mara! I gotta get another one of these going....
16 years, 2 months & 25 days ago 21st Oct 2018 05:32