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22:32:14 MST
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  1. December Newspapers and Magazines
    13th Jun 2023 12:40
    1 year, 6 months & 14 days ago
  2. Missing PHOTOS and PLATES
    18th Apr 2014 14:08
    10 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  3. Elfember 2024
    28th Nov 2024 18:23
    27 days, 4 hrs & 8 mins ago
  4. ATM Elfember Planning
    23rd Aug 2024 12:55
    4 months, 3 days & 10 hrs ago
  5. ATM Valentine's Planning
    15th Nov 2024 15:23
    1 month, 9 days & 7 hrs ago
  6. ATM January Planning
    28th Oct 2024 21:07
    1 month, 27 days & 2 hrs ago
  7. Missing spells and instruments (Diavolita)
    27th Aug 2024 10:36
    3 months, 30 days & 12 hrs ago
  8. New Talon Items Needed
    21st Jul 2024 13:09
    5 months, 6 days & 10 hrs ago
  9. GOURMET FOODS (Diavolita)
    2nd Feb 2014 07:06
    10 years, 10 months & 23 days ago
  10. Missing PLUSHIES P-Z
    5th Jun 2019 13:01
    5 years, 6 months & 22 days ago
5 years, 6 months & 22 days ago
5th Jun 2019 12:31

10th Birthday Plushie
Advent Addow Plushie
Advent Azul Plushie
Advent Doyle Plushie
Advent Equilor Plushie
Advent Feliz Plushie
Advent Gonk Plushie
Advent Vixen Plushie
Advent Wallop Plushie
Advent Xoi Plushie
Advent Zoink Plushie
Angel Echlin Plushie
Angel Vixen Plushie
Anime Chibs Plushie
Anime Gobble Plushie
Anime Raulf Plushie
Aqua Eyru Plushie
Aqua Gizmo Plushie
Aqua Gobble Plushie
Aqua Huthiq Plushie
Aqua Justin Plushie
Aqua Kujo Plushie
Aqua Lati Plushie
Aqua Lorius Plushie
Aqua Mordo Plushie
Aqua Nino Plushie
Aqua Phanty Plushie
Aqua Rofling Plushie
Aqua Rusty Plushie
Aqua Sindi Plushie
Aqua Sybri Plushie
Aqua Ushunda Plushie
Aqua Vixen Plushie
Aqua Vlad Plushie
Aqua Zola Plushie
Aqua Zoosh Plushie
Arcade Zetlian Plushie
Armoured Basil Plushie
Armoured Crikey Plushie
Armoured Feliz Plushie
Armoured Figaro Plushie
Armoured Gobble Plushie
Armoured Huthiq Plushie
Armoured Kronk Plushie
Armoured Lorius Plushie
Armoured Phanty Plushie
Armoured Quell Plushie
Armoured Ushunda Plushie
Armoured Viotto Plushie
Autumn Gobble Plushie
Avalon Plushie
Baby Gobble Plushie
Baby Nino Plushie
Bee Basil Plushie
Bee Echlin Plushie
Bee Zoosh Plushie
Beige Ercuw Plushie
Beige Hump Plushie
Beige Ike Plushie
Beige Justin Plushie
Beige Kronk Plushie
Beige Kujo Plushie
Beige Limax Plushie
Beige Mordo Plushie
Beige Pucu Plushie
Beige Rusty Plushie
Beige Sindi Plushie
Beige Tasi Plushie
Beige Ushunda Plushie
Beige Vlad Plushie
Beige Willa Plushie
Beige Yuni Plushie
Beige Zoosh Plushie
Black Candycane Plushie
Black Decadal Plushie
Black Mordo Plushie
Black Quell Plushie
Black Sindi Egg Plushie
Black Sindi Plushie
Black Ushunda Plushie
Black Vlad Plushie
Black Yuni Plushie
Black Zola Plushie
Blitzen Fasoro Plushie
Blitzen Reese Plushie
Blitzen Vixen Plushie
Blitzen Xoi Plushie
Blue Flower Osafo Plushie
Blue Pucu Plushie
Blue Raulf Plushie
Blue Sindi Egg Plushie
Blue Sybri Plushie
Blue Tasi Plushie
Blue Ushunda Plushie
Bootleg Gobble Plushie
Bootleg Kujo Plushie
Breeze Feather Plushie
Breeze Kaala Plushie
Breeze Kidlet Plushie
Breeze Sybri Plushie
Breeze Zola Plushie
British Arinya Plushie
British Echlin Plushie
British Gobble Plushie
Brown Decadal Plushie
Brown Ercuw Plushie
Brown Gizmo Plushie
Brown Ike Plushie
Brown Kronk Plushie
Brown Kujo Plushie
Brown Lati Plushie
Brown Limax Plushie
Brown Lorius Plushie
Brown Mordo Plushie
Brown Nino Plushie
Brown Phanty Plushie
Brown Sindi Plushie
Brown Snookle Plushie
Brown Sybri Plushie
Brown Tasi Plushie
Brown Ushunda Plushie
Brown Vixen Plushie
Brown Vlad Plushie
Brown Zola Plushie
Brown Zoosh Plushie
Bug Feather Plushie
Bug Jessup Plushie
Burnt Arinya Plushie
Burnt Feather Plushie
Burnt Gobble Plushie
Buzzy Plushie
Calico Arinya Plushie
Calico Feather Plushie
Calico Rusty Plushie
Calico Zola Plushie
Camouflage Feather Plushie
Camouflage Gobble Plushie
Camouflage Tasi Plushie
Candle Feather Plushie
Candle Gobble Plushie
Candy Addow Plushie
Candy Basil Plushie
Candy Bolimo Plushie
Candy Crikey Plushie
Candy Crindol Plushie
Candy Daisy Plushie
Candy Doyle Plushie
Candy Equilor Plushie
Candy Fasoro Plushie
Candy Feather Plushie
Candy Feliz Plushie
Candy Flab Plushie
Candy Gobble Plushie
Candy Gonk Plushie
Candy Grint Plushie
Candy Huthiq Plushie
Candy Ideus Plushie
Candy Jessup Plushie
Candy Kaala Plushie
Candy Kidlet Plushie
Candy Knutt Plushie
Candy Kronk Plushie
Candy Leido Plushie
Candy Lorius Plushie
Candy Murfin Plushie
Candy Newth Plushie
Candy Oglue Plushie
Candy Osafo Plushie
Candy Paffuto Plushie
Candy Phanty Plushie
Candy Reese Plushie
Candy Renat Plushie
Candy Speiro Plushie
Candy Tantua Plushie
Candy Ushunda Plushie
Candy Walee Plushie
Candy Willa Plushie
Candy Xoi Plushie
Candy Yakubi Plushie
Candy Zetlian Plushie
Cartoon Feather Plushie
Checkered Arinya Plushie
Checkered Astro Plushie
Checkered Basil Plushie
Checkered Chibs Plushie
Checkered Crikey Plushie
Checkered Daisy Plushie
Checkered Dakota Plushie
Checkered Decadal Plushie
Checkered Eyru Plushie
Checkered Feather Plushie
Checkered Flab Plushie
Checkered Gizmo Plushie
Checkered Gobble Plushie
Checkered Gonk Plushie
Checkered Hump Plushie
Checkered Huthiq Plushie
Checkered Ideus Plushie
Checkered Ike Plushie
Checkered Justin Plushie
Checkered Kaala Plushie
Checkered Lati Plushie
Checkered Lorius Plushie
Checkered Mordo Plushie
Checkered Nino Plushie
Checkered Osafo Plushie
Checkered Phanty Plushie
Checkered Pucu Plushie
Checkered Raulf Plushie
Checkered Reese Plushie
Checkered Renat Plushie
Checkered Sindi Plushie
Checkered Snookle Plushie
Checkered Sybri Plushie
Checkered Tantua Plushie
Checkered Troit Plushie
Checkered Viotto Plushie
Checkered Vixen Plushie
Checkered Vlad Plushie
Checkered Walee Plushie
Checkered Willa Plushie
Checkered Yakubi Plushie
Checkered Zetlian Plushie
Checkered Zoink Plushie
Checkered Zoosh Plushie
Cheese Arinya Plushie
Cheese Feather Plushie
Cheese Limax Plushie
Chibi Gobble Plushie
Chibi Jessup Plushie
Chibi Zetlian Plushie
Chinese Feather Plushie
Chocolate Feather Plushie
Chocolate Gobble Plushie
Christmas Feather Plushie
Christmas Ideus Plushie
Christmas Leido Plushie
Christmas Newth Plushie
Christmas Tree Bolimo Plushie
Christmas Tree Crindol Plushie
Christmas Tree Feather Plushie
Christmas Tree Vixen Plushie
Christmas Vixen Plushie
Christmas Walee Plushie
Christmas Zetlian Plushie
Clown Feather Plushie
Coral Ercuw Plushie
Coral Eyru Plushie
Coral Kronk Plushie
Coral Kujo Plushie
Coral Limax Plushie
Coral Lorius Plushie
Coral Nino Plushie
Coral Phanty Plushie
Coral Pucu Plushie
Coral Quell Plushie
Coral Rofling Plushie
Coral Rusty Plushie
Coral Sybri Plushie
Coral Tasi Plushie
Coral Ushunda Plushie
Coral Vixen Plushie
Coral Zola Plushie
Cotton Candy Addow Plushie
Cotton Candy Azul Plushie
Cotton Candy Crindol Plushie
Cotton Candy Gobble Plushie
Cotton Candy Kidlet Plushie
Cotton Candy Snookle Plushie
Cowboy Feather Plushie
Cracked Easter Egg Plushie
Cursed Feather Plushie
Dalmatian Arinya Plushie
Dalmatian Basil Plushie
Dalmatian Crikey Plushie
Dalmatian Doyle Plushie
Dalmatian Feather Plushie
Dark Fairy Feather Plushie
Dark Feather Plushie
Dark Gobble Plushie
Dark Murfin Plushie
Dark Sindi Plushie
Dark Zetlian Plushie
Daylight Quell Plushie
Daylight Zola Plushie
Defective Feather Plushie
Defective Huthiq Plushie
Defective Ike Plushie
Defective Lorius Plushie
Defective Nino Plushie
Defective Oglue Plushie
Defective Zola Plushie
Desert Basil Plushie
Desert Feather Plushie
Desert Kidlet Plushie
Desert Quell Plushie
Detective Feather Plushie
Devil Echlin Plushie
Devil Feather Plushie
Devil Phanty Plushie
Dew Plushie
Digital Addow Plushie
Digital Arinya Plushie
Digital Astro Plushie
Digital Azul Plushie
Digital Basil Plushie
Digital Bolimo Plushie
Digital Candycane Plushie
Digital Crikey Plushie
Digital Crindol Plushie
Digital Daisy Plushie
Digital Dakota Plushie
Digital Decadal Plushie
Digital Doyle Plushie
Digital Echlin Plushie
Digital Ercuw Plushie
Digital Eyru Plushie
Digital Fasoro Plushie
Digital Feliz Plushie
Digital Figaro Plushie
Digital Flab Plushie
Digital Gizmo Plushie
Digital Gobble Plushie
Digital Gonk Plushie
Digital Grint Plushie
Digital Hump Plushie
Digital Ideus Plushie
Digital Ike Plushie
Digital Jessup Plushie
Digital Justin Plushie
Digital Kidlet Plushie
Digital Knutt Plushie
Digital Kronk Plushie
Digital Kujo Plushie
Digital Lati Plushie
Digital Leido Plushie
Digital Limax Plushie
Digital Lorius Plushie
Digital Mordo Plushie
Digital Murfin Plushie
Digital Newth Plushie
Digital Oglue Plushie
Digital Osafo Plushie
Digital Paffuto Plushie
Digital Phanty Plushie
Digital Poera Plushie
Digital Pucu Plushie
Digital Quell Plushie
Digital Raulf Plushie
Digital Reese Plushie
Digital Renat Plushie
Digital Rofling Plushie
Digital Sindi Plushie
Digital Snookle Plushie
Digital Speiro Plushie
Digital Sybri Plushie
Digital Tantua Plushie
Digital Tasi Plushie
Digital Troit Plushie
Digital Ushunda Plushie
Digital Viotto Plushie
Digital Vixen Plushie
Digital Walee Plushie
Digital Willa Plushie
Digital Xoi Plushie
Digital Yuni Plushie
Digital Zetlian Plushie
Digital Zoink Plushie
Digital Zola Plushie
Digital Zoosh Plushie
Doll Basil Plushie
Doll Crikey Plushie
Doll Echlin Plushie
Doll Gobble Plushie
Doll Huthiq Plushie
Doll Kaala Plushie
Dragon Quell Plushie
Dumpling Plushie
Earth Fairy Nino Plushie
Easter Equilor Plushie
Easter Flab Plushie
Easter Gobble Plushie
Easter Lati Plushie
Easter Osafo Plushie
Easter Straya Plushie
Easter Tantua Plushie
Egg Plushie
Eleka Bolimo Plushie
Eleka Snookle Plushie
Elf Bolimo Plushie
Elf Crindol Plushie
Elf Kidlet Plushie
Elf Newth Plushie
Elf Osafo Plushie
Elf Vixen Plushie
Elger Plushie
Enpiah Azul Plushie
Enpiah Crindol Plushie
Enpiah Gobble Plushie
Enpiah Gonk Plushie
Enpiah Murfin Plushie
Enpiah Renat Plushie
Enpiah Tantua Plushie
Enpiah Xoi Plushie
Evil Clown Bolimo Plushie
Evil Clown Doyle Plushie
Evil Clown Ideus Plushie
Evil Clown Reese Plushie
Evil Clown Renat Plushie
Evil Clown Speiro Plushie
Evil Clown Sybri Plushie
Evil Clown Xoi Plushie
Evil Clown Yakubi Plushie
Fade Basil Plushie
Fade Chibs Plushie
Fade Crikey Plushie
Fade Daisy Plushie
Fade Dakota Plushie
Fade Doyle Plushie
Fade Echlin Plushie
Fade Equilor Plushie
Fade Ercuw Plushie
Fade Figaro Plushie
Fade Gizmo Plushie
Fade Gobble Plushie
Fade Grint Plushie
Fade Hump Plushie
Fade Ideus Plushie
Fade Ike Plushie
Fade Kronk Plushie
Fade Kujo Plushie
Fade Lati Plushie
Fade Limax Plushie
Fade Lorius Plushie
Fade Mordo Plushie
Fade Oglue Plushie
Fade Phanty Plushie
Fade Poera Plushie
Fade Quell Plushie
Fade Raulf Plushie
Fade Sindi Plushie
Fade Snookle Plushie
Fade Sybri Plushie
Fade Ushunda Plushie
Fade Viotto Plushie
Fade Vixen Plushie
Fade Vlad Plushie
Fade Wallop Plushie
Fade Willa Plushie
Fade Yuni Plushie
Fade Zoink Plushie
Fade Zola Plushie
Fade Zoosh Plushie
Fairy Azul Plushie
Fairy Decadal Plushie
Fairy Eyru Plushie
Fairy Fasoro Plushie
Fairy Gobble Plushie
Fairy Gonk Plushie
Fairy Kidlet Plushie
Fairy Lorius Plushie
Fairy Murfin Plushie
Fairy Oglue Plushie
Fairy Poera Plushie
Fairy Pucu Plushie
Fairy Raulf Plushie
Fairy Reese Plushie
Fairy Rofling Plushie
Fairy Rusty Plushie
Fairy Sindi Plushie
Fairy Straya Plushie
Fairy Vixen Plushie
Fairy Zola Plushie
Festive Snowman Plushie
Fire Equilor Plushie
Fire Fairy Addow Plushie
Fire Fairy Gonk Plushie
Fire Fairy Ideus Plushie
Fire Fairy Poera Plushie
Fire Fairy Raulf Plushie
Fire Fairy Reese Plushie
Fire Fairy Sindi Plushie
Fire Fairy Wallop Plushie
Fire Fairy Xoi Plushie
Fire Fairy Yuni Plushie
Fire Gobble Plushie
Fire Gonk Plushie
Fire Huthiq Plushie
Fire Jessup Plushie
Fire Lati Plushie
Fire Lorius Plushie
Fire Snookle Plushie
Fire Sybri Plushie
Fire Tasi Plushie
Firework Sindi Plushie
Flea Plushie
Floral Gobble Plushie
Fried Egg Plushie
Frostfire Ercuw Plushie
Frozen Candycane Plushie
Galaxy Gobble Plushie
Galaxy Yuni Plushie
Gingerbread Xoi Plushie
Glass Basil Plushie
Gnome Azul Plushie
Gnome Doyle Plushie
Gnome Feliz Plushie
Gnome Figaro Plushie
Gnome Gobble Plushie
Gnome Lati Plushie
Gnome Murfin Plushie
Gnome Oglue Plushie
Gnome Phanty Plushie
Gnome Ushunda Plushie
Gnome Xoi Plushie
Gnome Zetlian Plushie
Goblin Addow Plushie
Goblin Equilor Plushie
Goblin Gonk Plushie
Goblin Jessup Plushie
Goblin Kidlet Plushie
Goblin Knutt Plushie
Goblin Kujo Plushie
Goblin Lati Plushie
Goblin Leido Plushie
Goblin Mordo Plushie
Goblin Newth Plushie
Goblin Nino Plushie
Goblin Reese Plushie
Goblin Renat Plushie
Goblin Snookle Plushie
Goblin Wallop Plushie
Goblin Xoi Plushie
Goblin Yakubi Plushie
Goblin Zetlian Plushie
Gold Yuni Plushie
Green Echlin Plushie
Green Mordo Plushie
Green Ushunda Plushie
Green Vlad Plushie
Green Yuni Plushie
Grey Ercuw Plushie
Grey Huthiq Plushie
Grey Lorius Plushie
Grey Mordo Plushie
Grey Raulf Plushie
Grey Rofling Plushie
Grey Tasi Plushie
Grey Ushunda Plushie
Grey Vlad Plushie
Grey Zola Plushie

  1. December Newspapers and Magazines
    13th Jun 2023 12:40
    1 year, 6 months & 14 days ago
  2. Missing PHOTOS and PLATES
    18th Apr 2014 14:08
    10 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  3. Elfember 2024
    28th Nov 2024 18:23
    27 days, 4 hrs & 8 mins ago
  4. ATM Elfember Planning
    23rd Aug 2024 12:55
    4 months, 3 days & 10 hrs ago
  5. ATM Valentine's Planning
    15th Nov 2024 15:23
    1 month, 9 days & 7 hrs ago
  6. ATM January Planning
    28th Oct 2024 21:07
    1 month, 27 days & 2 hrs ago
  7. Missing spells and instruments (Diavolita)
    27th Aug 2024 10:36
    3 months, 30 days & 12 hrs ago
  8. New Talon Items Needed
    21st Jul 2024 13:09
    5 months, 6 days & 10 hrs ago
  9. GOURMET FOODS (Diavolita)
    2nd Feb 2014 07:06
    10 years, 10 months & 23 days ago
  10. Missing PLUSHIES P-Z
    5th Jun 2019 13:01
    5 years, 6 months & 22 days ago