[img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/859e1092021f5b74a380af7456755699/tumblr_inline_pc4ox1fwcq1ry72eo_100.gif[/img] fleek's terrific two gift swap
hello, doves ♡ my name is bella and I'm a twenty- something adult marapets player!
entp. leo sun, aries moon + virgo rising.
on mara, I'm trying to complete all my collections, but I'm focusing most on Glowing Eggs and Wardrobe. Magazines, CDs, Instruments and Gourmets are the focus for my pet collections. My gallery collection is going to focus on Enchanted Plushies and the Fairy Dolls, as well as other pretty, pastel things.
feel free to check out any of my other blogs and my wishlist if you need ideas!