Hidden Avatars to Collect
6 years, 1 month & 15 days ago
10th Nov 2018 21:40 [X] Agatha
[]Anlur (need pet for)
[X] Anuriah
[X] Aphid
[]Arizona (need pet for)
[X] Autumn (random)
[X] Aviv
[X] Bablah
[X] Baline
[X] Banalphin
[X] Baylien (random)
[X] Belle
[X] Bellerina
[X] Bewmel
[] Blub (must have water pet)
[X] Bonbon (random)
[X] Bop
[X] Bouncer
[] Bugsy (need pet for)
[] Bullo (need pet for)
[] Burning Bright (0/30 candles in inventory)
[X] Camofog
[X] Candipeed
[X] Caribow
[] Centaur
[X] Cerberus
[] Chawmp
[] Chidder
[] Chubular
[] Cirroc
[] Clover
[] Coal (random)
[] Corny
[] Cremul
[] Dandylion
[] Dapple
[] Dapurtle
[] Dark Chocolate (46 dark chocolates in inventory)
[] Deeko
[] Devil (must have pet with staff of the devil)
[] Devilray
[] Dragoth
[] Dumdo
[] Egbert
[] Elektro (must have lightening pet)
[] Elf
[] Fake (withdrawl 5000 fake dukkas)
[] Fatty
[] Festival (in inventory)
[] Fidge (equip and view mini pet)
[] Fiffo
[] Fizzy
[] Floof (must have hairy pet)
[] Flurso
[] Foxicle (view in inventory)
[] Fritzi
[] Frolic (random)
[] Fwidman
[x] Gamma (random)
[] Gargrunt