Dream Pets and Pet Goals
5 years, 10 months & 16 days ago
28th Feb 2019 19:47 Dream Pet List (Priority at Top):
1. Eleka Rusty
2. Bug Troit
3. Gothic Arinya
4. Cartoon Kaala
5. Sparkle Lorius
6. Bug Ercuw
7. Bug Azul
8. Anime Kujo
9. Sleepy Viotto
10. Chibi Pucu
11. Baby Huthiq
12. Mermaid Ike
13. Werewolf Crikey
14. Fancy Dakota
15. Minipet Azul
16. Valentine Astro
Pet Goals and Progress:
- Get all pets employed in careers [ ]
- Dress Dentanus in a Desert Costume [ ]
- Transform Parm into a Chibs [ ]
- Dress Parm in a Hairy Costume [ ]
- Dress Esoterik in a Sewers Costume [ ]