Pet backstories!! Part 4, Final part!!!
6 years, 8 months & 7 days ago
21st Apr 2018 18:13 Winterpelt: Winterpelt was never always acting "paranoid", she's really never been paranoid!! No one might have known but she wanted her friends to avoid suffering the same pain Lambion gave her, Lambion had fought her just because she bumped into him, and left her with bad wounds, before she could she could seek treatment, Lambion had put her to what seemed like a stage between death and life, luckily she's a cat and you know what they say, cats have9 lives, so she was alive but with bad wounds, luckily her sister was around this time and she could get help, she awaits the day Lambion would finally be caught for his crimes.
Lambion: Lambion was always evil, but never claims to be, the truth is out but not much know, back in the days of Baspinar, he had been a criminal in the eyes of many, but not Eleka, he had worked as her spy back then, he was never caught though. Lambion was the one who caused the suffering of Fledge and Dafosh. When he first laid his amber eyes on Rabiteon, he was determined to be her love for the rest of his life, but his plans stopped when he found out she had loved Lioneon, but his tricks for eliminating him are always foiled by Winterpelt, someday he will be punished for his crimes...
Eve on the hallows of 2018 will his due
date will finally be fulfilled...