1x1 Roleplay Rules
5 years & 8 months ago
16th May 2019 11:56 After a long hiatus from the RP world, I've decided to return and give it another go in hopes that maybe this time I'll have some better experiences. If 1x1 is something you enjoy, and you like being creative, by all means MM me! But first, a few personal rules!
1a. I will NOT tolerate one-upmanship. In other words, no "anything you can do, I can do better" stuff. That's crap and I hate it. Multiple skills are great, it adds dimension to any character, but making it clear that you're doing it better? NO. Just NO.
1b. There will be no power-play. In other words, no being all powerful, perfect, or indestructible.
2. If I don't want to do a certain topic, I flat out will NOT do it. My biggest 'no's are anything with an already in place plot. Therefore, if it's an already existing story based on anime/book/movie or anything of the sort, no. IE. Naruto, Animorphs, Twilight, Harry Potter, etc. This is not to say I won't do vampire or wizardry, but I won't do SPECIFIC vampires and/or wizards. Also on the no list is animal rp. Human shapeshifters, cool. Straight up animals that aren't just supporting characters, no thanks!
3. DON'T ignore me. I wouldn't ignore you, so don't even think about ignoring me. It's rude. If you wish to discontinue a roleplay, tell me.
4a. NO CHATSPEAK! OMG, brb, ttyl, g2g, lol are fine, but if you start spelling things with numbers in the words, I will most likely correct it, and ask that it not be done. If it continues, I will discontinue the play.
4b. Please please PLEASE...proper use of IC and OOC!!!
4c. ABSOLUTELY NO ONE-LINERS!! Paragraph play or nothing at all!! MUST BE LITERATE!!
5. SEE 1A
6. Having fun is a must. If you're not having fun, then I'm not having fun.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST, REFER BACK TO 1A!! If you cannot follow that, then the rp is over, no questions asked, no warnings. So 1A or no play!! Got it? Good.
Sound good? Great! MM me and let's go! I promise I don't bite for no reason!