Day 3: Simerian Explorer Run
7 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
8th Nov 2017 03:35 This will serve as a guide as I quest.Started on quest: 2,500Goal: 1000 questsAmount on hand: 3,888,180Started on 11/8/2017 3:35Number of Runes get: 66 Runes2,503 Rune Q
2,508 Rune E
2,523 Rune Q
2,536 Rune Q
2,541 Rune Q
2,553 Rune P
2,563 Rune F
2,568 Rune G
2,572 Rune Q
2,590 Rune O
2,616 Rune N
2,635 Rune N
2,642 Rune C
2,663 Rune G
2,668 Rune O
2,686 Rune L
2,710 Rune F
2,720 Rune S
2,743 Rune H
2,751 Rune E
2,766 Rune R
2,770 Rune L
2,777 Rune Q
2,783 Rune A
Pausing at 2,810 7:09
Continued at 17:102,823 Rune T
2,840 Rune I
2,865 Rune D
2,877 Rune K
2,882 Rune H
2,884 Rune H
2,914 Rune I
2,929 Rune F
2,948 Rune I
2,953 Rune N
2,959 Rune L
2,962 Rune R
2,973 Rune U
2,977 Rune U
2,978 Rune AE
2,995 Rune J
3,029 Rune U
3,051 Rune U
3,052 Rune T
3,066 Rune A
3,081 Rune G
3,128 Rune S
3,131 Rune M
3,148 Rune S
3,150 Rune S
3,156 Rune A
3,163 Rune S
3,169 Rune M
3,194 Rune G
3,206 Rune D
3,211 Rune L
3,232 Rune AE
3,233 Rune U
3,237 Rune B
3,239 Rune W
3,276 Rune K
3,278 Rune G
3,290 Rune H
3,326 Rune W
3,362 Rune E
3,469 Rune Q
3,471 Rune A
Amount on hand after questing: 245,265MPTotal Amount Spent: 3,642,915MPTotal Value of Runes get: 23,177,603MPProfit: 19,534,688MPFinished on 11/8/17 00:13[PS] I update as I quest.
Comments:~Look for my other runs for statistics.
~Gonna do it differently, gonna try 1,000 quests.
~I'm kinda disappointed at the results because I thought that I would atleast get 75 runes but it's lower than I expected.
~The first 500 quests was great cause I got 40 runes but the next 500 was a disaster cause I only got 26 runes.
~The good thing, this time I got is mostly high end runes, but I hope my next run will over run this.