Goals Planning
6 years & 3 months ago
27th Sep 2018 21:24 Level 17-20
Level 21-38
11.06.22Level 39 1. Complete Level 23 or higher of Enpiah Goals 2. Free or Bribe a Pet out of Prison 3. Collect 75 or more Stamps in your Stamp AlbumLevel 40 1. Complete Level 24 or higher of Candyland Goals 2. Fix a Broken Home (Attic) 3. Complete 100 or more Mission levelsLevel 41
1. Complete Level 24 or higher of Slater Park Goals
2. Grow an Organic Minipet
3. Have 5 or more Giftboxes in your collectionLevel 42 1. Complete Level 25 or higher of Nimbus Goals2. Have the Genie grant your wish3. Find 150 or more Hidden Avatars Level 43
1. Complete Level 25 or higher of Jenoa Goals
2. Enter the Monthly Checklist3. Have 3 or more completed Treasure Maps in your collectionLevel 44
1. Complete Level 26 or higher of City of Marada Goals
2. Send a pet to the Gates of the Graveyard
3. Pay 21 days or more of Sultan TaxesLevel 45 1. Complete Level 26 or higher of Dukka Caves Goals2. Win a Wild Minipet in the Battle Arena3. Win 500 or more BattlesLevel 46 1. Complete Level 27 or higher of Gigantic Paradise Goals2. Pay an Electricity Bill3. Complete 500 or more Quests Level 47 1. Complete Level 27 or higher of Lush Lake Goals2. Restock from a main shop an item that has a Retirement Date3. Collect 500 or more items in your Wardrobe Level 48
1. Complete Level 28 or higher of Baspinar's Castle Goals
2. Use the Capsule Machine
3. Collect 750 or more Plates in your Plate Collection
Level 49 1. Complete Level 28 or higher of Minipet Island Goals
2. Complete a level of the Beanstalk
3. Have 75 or more Trading Cards in your Battle Deck