~green dapple and yellow dapple i mean we need them
~make it to where we can wear capes with other accessories edit 3/7/19 omg i just noticed we can now!! tysm!!! <3<3
~more cute slippers, more purses, more tattoos, more jewelry, more makeup, but i'm sure this goes without saying
~oh and some more sneaks that aren't converse/vans looking like we need some chunky balenciaga gucci looking sneakers
~gladie summoning stone (new spring chest anyone??), spoopy summoning stone (imagine how bomb that'd be for halloween)
~update the space azul i mean the cd shop owner is a space azul and they're updated yet the actual space azul isn't, as long as they aren't base pose i'm sure they'll be amazing
~also the starry chibs ik some ppl will be feisty about it but the potions shop owner legit is sooooo good and i love the blues
~candy colored kaala!!! adding this suggestion on behalf and courtesy of my friend @Jerene, but how cute would they be!!!!
I'm dying for a peach costume
16 years, 1 month & 23 days ago 12th Jan 2019 06:37