Town goals
6 years & 11 months ago
13th Feb 2018 10:29 • Baspinar's Castle - lvl 23/50
You need to complete level 20 or higher at the
Troll mission (15/20)
• Biala Mountain - lvl 25/50
Complete 200 or more Santa Claws Quests
• Candyland - lvl 28/50
Complete 225 or more Candy Tree Quests
• City of Marada - lvl 23/50
You need to complete level 20 or higher at the
Tarquin's Library mission (11/15)
• City Sewers - lvl 22/50
Your pet needs to gain a stat from the Sewer Struggle Game
• Dukka Caves - lvl 32/50
complete level 5 or higher at the
Pirate Mafia mission(1/5)
• Eleka's Castle - lvl 15/50
You need to gain a Magic stat at Eleka's Fountain
• Enpiah - lvl 21/50
You need to complete level 20 or higher at the
Ublish's Lair mission
• Foxfire Forest - lvl 20/25
You need to complete 75 or more Queen Bee quests
• Gigantic Paradise - lvl 19/50
You need to complete level 10 or higher at the
Rubbish Dump mission (6/10)
• Jenoa - lvl 7/50
complete level 10 or higher at the
Clam mission(5/10)
• Kamilah Desert - lvl 10/50
You need to reach the third level of Jackpot Pyramid
• Lollywood - lvl 20/50
You need to complete level 14 or higher of the
Priscilla mission (1/14)
• Lush Lake - lvl 36/50
You need to have 500 or more Photos in your Photo Album
• Minipet Island - 35/50
You need to complete level 5 or higher at the
Hospice mission (1/5)
• Nimbus - lvl 40/50
You need 2,000 or more magazines read for the Moonlight Fairy
• Puchalla Village - lvl 17/50
You need to complete level 10 or higher at the
Bumpkin mission (6/10)
• Simeria - lvl 5/50
You need to own any Simerian coloured pet
• Slater Park - lvl 14/50
You need to own any Cotton Candy coloured pet
• Undying Woods - lvl 13/50
You need to win an Undying Tombola DVD at the Undying Tombola game
• Vortex Park - lvl 10/50
You need to reach level 5 or more at Cup Shuffle
• Ziranek - lvl 47/50
Complete 250 or more Microwave Quests