Carol Singing costumes
7 years, 1 month & 10 days ago
2nd Dec 2017 19:02 List of Random Retired Carol Singing Costumes available for 4AU each -
[x] Advent Tree Costume (1 extra in gallery)
[x] Angelic Costume
[x] Archangel Costume (1 extra in gallery)
[x] Blitzen Justin Onesie
[x] Candycane Costume
[x] Christmas Cake Costume
[x] Christmas Day Costume
[x] Christmas Night Costume (1 extra in gallery)
[x] Christmas Onesie (1 extra in gallery)
[x] Christmas Pudding Costume
[x] Devious Elf Costume (1 extra in gallery)
[x] Drummer Girl Costume (1 extra in gallery)
[x] Frosty Tree Costume (2 extra in gallery)
[] Gift Wrapped Costume
[x] Gingerbread Girl Costume
[x] Gingerbread Lady Costume
[x] Gingerbread Man Costume
[x] Holly Costume
[] Jack Frost Costume
[x] Jacqueline Frost Costume (1 extra in gallery)
[x] Krampus Costume
[x] Mistletoe Costume
[x] Mrs Claus Costume
[x] Ms Scrooge Costume (1 extra in gallery)
[x] Polar Bear Costume
[x] Present Costume
[x] Reindeer Costume
[x] Santa Claus Costume
[x] Santa Claws Costume
[x] Scrooge Costume
[x] Toy Sindi Onesie (1 extra in gallery)
[x] Tree Costume
[] Tree Uniform Costume
[x] Vixen Costume (1 extra in gallery)
[x] Winter King Costume (1 extra in gallery)
[x] Winter Queen Costume (1 extra in gallery)
[x] Yeti Costume (1 extra in gallery)
Missing 7 costumes and have 15 duplicate costumes in gallery. Very nice.
Hopefully I can swap for the 7 I need without spending any MP/AU.