🍗 Thanksgiving 2017 Checklist 🍗
7 years, 1 month & 21 days ago
23rd Nov 2017 06:17 [x] Autumn Leaves (x3)
[ ] Bale of Hay
[ ] Beige Gobble Plushie
[x] Cornucopia Centrepiece (x1)
[ ] Cutlery
[x] Dreamcatcher (x4)
[ ] Drumstick
[ ] Finished Thanksgiving
[ ] Giant Pumpkin Pie
[x] Gravy Boat Hat
[x] Invisible Gobble Plushie
[ ] Kiss the Cook Apron
[ ] Lilac Gobble Plushie
[x] Magenta Gobble Plushie
[ ] Navy Gobble Plushie
[ ] Orange Turkey Plushie
[ ] Red Turkey Plushie
[x] Stuffed Bib
[ ] Teal Gobble Plushie
[ ] Thanksgiving Pants
[x] Thanksgiving Turkey
[x] Totem Pole
[x] Turkey Book
[ ] Turkey Onesie
[ ] Turkey Slippers
[ ] Turkey Stockings
[x] Turkey Sweater
[ ] Yellow Turkey Plushie
NOTE: [x] next to clothes/books means they are in the wardrobe/read. Plushies with [x] means they have been played with AND collected. If an item has (x#) next to it, it's an extra I have.