Pet Goals
6 years, 10 months & 3 days ago
11th Mar 2018 08:27 CURRENTListed in Order of Priority:
Makers[ ] Deca maker
[ ] Zola maker
[ ] Lorius maker
[x] Limax maker
[x] Raulf maker
[x] Rusty maker
Species Changes[ ] Turn Enthuse into a Party Lorius
[ ] Turn Pastille into a Candy Decadal
[ ] Turn Taillow into a Lorius
[x] Turn Rollo into a Rusty 22/3/2018
[ ] Turn Tweeti into a Chibi Pucu
[ ] Turn Triste into a Baby Dakota
[ ] Turn Elegy into a Rofling w temple
[x] Turn
Jillane into a Straya 11/3/2018
[x] Turn
Emiliana into a Valentine Sindi 13/3/2018
Costume Changes[x] Costume Carmel Splatter
[ ] Costume Shackled Halloween w Temple
[x] Costume Zyg Minipet
[ ] Costume Elegy Baby w temple
[x] Costume Nicolais Underwater
[x] Costume
Lambeth Minipet 12/3/2018
Name Changes[x] Change name for Vueranda to I0 12/3/2018
[x] Change name for Devilz_Fox to Triste 14/3/2018
Stats[ ] Get 100+ stats on I0
[ ] Get all pets to level 20 jobs
Future Pets[ ] Halloween Daisy
[ ] Candy Decadal
[x] Anime Nino
[x] Daylight Zola
Void[ ] Costume Aetherial Angel w Temple
[ ] Get 100+ stats on Stellari
[ ] Get 100+ stats for
zmidnightz[ ] Change name for
Skyz_Diamond[ ] Costume Jillane Chibi
[ ] Turn Haejin into a Chinese Limax
[ ] Turn Gilded into a Daylight Decadal
[ ] Turn Zamuel into an Underwater Raulf
[ ] Costume Rollo Chibi
[ ] Costume Cassiah Angel
[ ] Costume Adalind Dragon
[ ] Costume Tasu Splatter w temple