Looking for any Limax Potion or Enchanted Plushie
7 years & 30 days ago
27th Nov 2017 18:17 Hello! So I really really want any type of limax enchanted plushie or potion, because I love love love limaxes so much! I don't have any currently and want to make it my ultimate goal to get one someday, and a costumed/transformed one would be absolutely incredible! <3 I'm sorry, I'm not very fond of solid color potions/enchanted plushies/costumes... ;-; If you know anyone who is selling for a fairly good price please please let me know! My price range is from anywhere up to probably 500k. Right now I don't have the money but if someone is selling I will probably get the money in a few days because I am buying an upgrade that contains instructions.
Thank you so much!