I recentl got PEARL avatar. I acquired 46 different pearls for this avatar. They were the only things I had in my inventory. I refreshed inventory page and took notice my inventory counter counted backwards from 46-0 each time I refreshed the page-lo and behold I got the avatar when counter reached zero but all of a sudden my pearls were gone. I even checked back in my inventory and my attic to see if they were palced there. I panicked and posted in the forums about this avatar being a ripoff because my pearls disappeared I was told to catact a staff member about this matter. Staff member gave the solution. IF THIS EVER HAPPENS TO YOU TAKE ANY ITEM FROM YOUR ATTIC AND PUT IN YOUR INVENTORY AND THE MISSING ITEMS REAPPEAR!! I am now display my collected pearls in my gallery never to be removed so please do not ask to borrow them I will not loan them out!!
WOW, no wonder you panicked! that must have cost like 2mil MP!
116 years, 5 months & 1 day ago 26th Jul 2008 12:32