My adorable Sniffy
17 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
8th Oct 2007 19:32 My adorable Sniffy is about one of my puppy that passed away 2 years ago.If you think you are someone that cries at at really emotional things, I suggest *YOU*,yes YOU! Not to read this.
Sniffy was a little fun cuddly puppy.
He loved exploring the house and new items in the house.
He was loyal to everyone and everything he saw.
Sniffy was a fast learner and got used to things quickly.
His brother Growly was mean but changed ever since Sniffy passed away. Growly turned fearful.
Sniffy would always bark when I got home from school.
He would always leave the cats a lone but kept an eye on them.
Sniffy was a friendly, hopeful, gently puppy.
He never bite anyone before.
He loved to play with hie squishy toys and doggy ball.
He would always finish his meals with not a single speak of food on his food bowl and finish water from his water bowl.
Everyday at home I would get upset for the lost of my adorable Sniffy!!