Miss__Scarlet in the rune temple
8 years & 7 months ago
14th Jun 2016 16:04 Goal is Spring Costume
L1 - Rune L - Traded a Ballee for it.
L2 - traded
L3 - Paid 387k
L4 - Rune P - Had it
L5 - Rune C - traded
L6 - Rune Q - 295k
L7 - Rune T - 400k
L8 - Rune Z - 400k
L9 - Rune L - Had it - 75k reward
L10 - Rune B - traded for it
L11 - Rune M
L12 - Rune E and G. I think I bought one for 365k. Reward is 100k
L13 - W and AE (370k cost)
L14 - R and D
L15 - Rune Q (330k), K 1AU reward
L16 - Rune O, L, traded for both 125k reward
L17 - Rune W, Q paid 288k and 331k
L18 - Rune AE 367k, Rune H
L19 - Rune AE and A, traded in club for both
L20 - Rune M and H, Paid 230k for H.
L21 - Rune L, Rune C, Rune W Paid 300k
L22 - Rune C, C, M Paid 300k
L23 -
L27 - traded
Cost approx 4.2mil and I also got 1au so -1mil.
Aug 25th, 2017
Miss__Scarlet changed colour to spring! Yay! Sept 29th, 2016
Miss__Scarlet is now Level 15 Thief with daily income of 6,500MP
You also received a new Award for pet profile