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450 Players Online
22:38:00 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Joined Marapets on March 29, 2008.
Adult player from Canada.

  1. Trading
    8th Dec 2017 13:54
    7 years & 19 days ago
  2. Scrooge items needed
    7th Dec 2017 07:32
    7 years & 20 days ago
  3. Queen Bee items needed
    20th May 2017 22:05
    7 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
  4. Missing Newspapers S-Z (till 2015)
    21st Apr 2016 21:31
    8 years, 8 months & 6 days ago
  5. Missing Newspapers L-P (till 2015)
    21st Apr 2016 20:57
    8 years, 8 months & 6 days ago
  6. Missing Newspapers E-K (till 2015)
    21st Apr 2016 20:44
    8 years, 8 months & 6 days ago
  7. Missing Newspapers B-D (till 2015)
    21st Apr 2016 20:28
    8 years, 8 months & 6 days ago
  8. Missing Magazines W-Z (till 2015)
    21st Apr 2016 20:17
    8 years, 8 months & 6 days ago
  9. Missing Magazines S-V (till 2015)
    21st Apr 2016 20:05
    8 years, 8 months & 6 days ago
  10. Missing Magazines P-R (till 2015)
    21st Apr 2016 19:36
    8 years, 8 months & 6 days ago
Fox Fire Pond Treasure Map
8 years, 8 months & 18 days ago
9th Apr 2016 11:35

April 9, 2016:

You have completed the Fox Fire Pond Treasure Map
You now have lifetime access to use the Fox Fire Pond.

Congratulations! You found the 'Foxfire Pond' Hidden Avatar!

Dec. 18, 2016:
FINALLY!!! After just over 8 months on try 290
CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Egg Pie
Favolos was just about to eat Lemnkey but is now full
You now have a Lemnkey in your Inventory


1.Vacenty fed Favolos Sugar Rolls
Vacenty gained 1 defence stat

2.Vacenty fed Favolos 4 Years Cake
Vacenty gained 1 health stat

3.Vacenty fed Favolos Sliced Crusty Brown Bread
Favolos also ate Vacenty and spat them out..
Vacenty changed colour to Green

4.Vacenty fed Favolos Sliced White Bread
Favolos also ate Vacenty and spat them out..
Vacenty changed colour to Yellow

5.Vacenty fed Favolos Country Potato
Favolos also ate Vacenty and spat them out..
Vacenty changed colour to Red

6.Vacenty fed Favolos Vampire Potato
Favolos also ate Vacenty and spat them out..
Vacenty changed colour to Yellow

7.Vacenty fed Favolos Green Gummy Azul
Vacenty gained 1 health stat

8.Vacenty fed Favolos BBQ Beans
Favolos has rewarded you with 247 BP!

9.Vacenty fed Favolos Grilled Fish Burger
Favolos also ate Vacenty and spat them out..
Vacenty changed colour to Green

10.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Bat Candy
Favolos has rewarded you with 971 MP!

11.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Fish Bones
CrimsonRogue gained 1 balance stat

12.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Chocolate Ghost
CrimsonRogue gained 1 coordination stat

13.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Mozzarella Dippers
CrimsonRogue gained 1 stamina stat

14.Vacenty fed Favolos Green Gummy Xoi
Favolos has rewarded you with 5 Olympic Pts!

15.Vacenty fed Favolos 4 Years Cake
Favolos also ate Vacenty and spat them out..
Vacenty changed colour to Red

16.Vacenty fed Favolos Dark Chocolate Christmas Tree
Favolos has rewarded you with 12 Olympic Pts!

17.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Fish Heads
CrimsonRogue gained 1 stamina stat

18.Vacenty fed Favolos Red Tuna
Vacenty gained 1 level stat

19.Vacenty fed Favolos Grilled Fish
Vacenty gained 1 health stat

20.Vacenty fed Favolos Can of Carrots
Favolos also ate Vacenty and spat them out..
Vacenty changed colour to Yellow

21.Vacenty fed Favolos Orange Cake
Favolos has rewarded you with 206 BP!

22.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Trash Potato
CrimsonRogue gained 1 health stat

23.Vacenty fed Favolos Double Cherry Ice Cream Cone
Favolos also ate Vacenty and spat them out..
Vacenty changed into a Midnight Grint

24.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 145 BP!

25.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Fish Heads
CrimsonRogue gained 1 science stat

26.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Amethyst Calla Lily
Favolos has rewarded you with 11 Olympic Pts!

27.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Pine Nuts
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Yellow

28.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Bonito
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Green

29.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Clump of Moss
Favolos has rewarded you with 137 RP!

30.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Starry Gumball
CrimsonRogue gained 1 speed stat

31.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Frozen Red Apple
CrimsonRogue gained 1 stamina stat

32.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Can of Sand
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Red

33.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Pumpkin Apple
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Yellow

34.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Ginger
CrimsonRogue gained 2 level stat

35.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Stone Cupcake
Favolos has rewarded you with 180 BP!

36.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Mystery Jelly Beans
CrimsonRogue gained 1 level stat

37.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Orange Gladiolus
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Green

38.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Duck with Shallots
Favolos has rewarded you with 3,416 MP!

39.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Yellowtail Tuna
Favolos has rewarded you with 15 Olympic Pts!

40.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Jar of Apple
CrimsonRogue gained 1 defence stat

41.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Osafo
Favolos has rewarded you with 118 BP!

42.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Frozen Green Apple
CrimsonRogue gained 1 speed stat

43.Vacenty fed Favolos Chunky Fries
Favolos also ate Vacenty and spat them out..
Vacenty changed colour to Green

44.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Bat Cake
CrimsonRogue gained 1 balance stat


45.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Blood Candy Apple
Favolos has rewarded you with 165 RP!

46.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Yakubi
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Slime

47.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Pink Begonia
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Negative

48.Vacenty fed Favolos Popcorn Jelly Beans
Favolos also ate Vacenty and spat them out..
Vacenty changed colour to Blue

49.Vacenty fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Basil
Vacenty gained 1 strength stat

50.GossamerWhisper fed Favolos Fish Eyes
Favolos also ate GossamerWhisper and spat them out..
GossamerWhisper changed colour to Blue

51.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Watermelon Sugar Cube
Favolos has rewarded you with 3,392 MP!

52.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Dark Chocolate Chibs
CrimsonRogue gained 1 health stat

53.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Drake Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 132 RP!

54.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Candyland Cupcake
CrimsonRogue gained 1 art stat

55.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Banana Safety Lolly
Favolos has rewarded you with 132 BP!

56.Vacenty fed Favolos White Chocolate Chip Muffin
Favolos has rewarded you with 3,032 MP!

57.Vacenty fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Vacenty gained 1 defence stat

58.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Shaved

59.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Mint Chocolate Equilor
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Red

60.Vacenty fed Favolos Strawberry Sugar Cube
Favolos has rewarded you with 1,372 RP!

61.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Fruity Flakes
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Valentine

62.Vacenty fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 3,646 MP!

63.Vacenty fed Favolos Fish in Foil
Vacenty gained 1 defence stat

64.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Giant Black Olive
Favolos has rewarded you with 135 BP!

65.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Rofling
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Yellow

66.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Banana Split
CrimsonRogue gained 1 music stat

67.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Two Scoops Rainbow Ice Cream
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Green

68.Vacenty fed Favolos Brown Pancake
Favolos also ate Vacenty and spat them out..
Vacenty changed colour to Brown

69.GossamerWhisper fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
GossamerWhisper gained 1 language stat

70.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Fish Bones
CrimsonRogue gained 1 music stat

71.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos GizmOs
Favolos has rewarded you with 103 BP!

72.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos True Love Candy Heart
Favolos has rewarded you with 129 RP!

73.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Drake Potato
CrimsonRogue gained 2 speed stat

74.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Frozen Ham
Favolos has rewarded you with 225 BP!

75.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Sour Candy Apple
Favolos has rewarded you with 6 Olympic Pts!

76.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos 4 Years Cake
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Red

77.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Frozen Red Apple
CrimsonRogue gained 1 stamina stat

78.Vacenty fed Favolos Sarapee
Favolos also ate Vacenty and spat them out..
Vacenty changed colour to Red

79.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Giant Coconut
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Red

80.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Can of Blue Radish
CrimsonRogue gained 1 strength stat

81.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Green Gummy Ercuw
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Red

82.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Dragon Steak
CrimsonRogue gained 1 health stat

83.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Chocolate Ice Cream Newth Lolly
Favolos has rewarded you with 13 Olympic Pts!

84.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Liquorice Candy Blood
Favolos has rewarded you with 177 BP!

85.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Frozen Banana
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Candy

86.Vacenty fed Favolos Mini Plum Pies
Favolos has rewarded you with 13 Olympic Pts!

87.Vacenty fed Favolos Temaki Roll
Vacenty gained 1 balance stat

88.Vacenty fed Favolos Ghost Floaties
Favolos has rewarded you with 15 Olympic Pts!

89.Vacenty fed Favolos Fish Bones
Vacenty gained 1 music stat

90.Vacenty fed Favolos 2015 Pumpkin
Vacenty gained 1 strength stat

91.Vacenty fed Favolos Blueberry Pancake
Favolos has rewarded you with 208 RP!

92.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Fish Bones
Favolos has rewarded you with 3,137 MP!

93.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Satyr Potato
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Blue

94.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Pink Eye Appetiser
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Blue

95.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Orange Meal Worm
Favolos has rewarded you with 199 BP!

96.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Giant Pronula
Favolos has rewarded you with 245 BP!

97.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Red Sugar Cube
CrimsonRogue gained 1 balance stat

98.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos White Chocolate Yakubi
CrimsonRogue gained 1 strength stat

99.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Fish Burger
CrimsonRogue gained 2 health stat

100.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Addow Tablet
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Red

101.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Three Quarters of a Christmas Pizza
CrimsonRogue gained 1 speed stat

102.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Giant Yellow Bell Pepper
Favolos has rewarded you with 155 BP!

103.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Chicken Nuggets
CrimsonRogue gained 1 level stat

104.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Giant Luffa
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Green

105.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Triple Cheeseburger
CrimsonRogue gained 1 level stat

106.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Giant Borage
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Frostfire

107.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Grey

108.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Sponge Cake
CrimsonRogue gained 1 health stat

109.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Protein Bar
Favolos has rewarded you with 154 BP!

110.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Blueberries
Favolos has rewarded you with 804 MP!

111.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Giant Water Chestnut
CrimsonRogue gained 1 geography stat

112.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Tomatillo
CrimsonRogue gained 1 speed stat

113.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Giant Borage
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Green

114.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Nectarine
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Blue

115.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Canistel
CrimsonRogue gained 1 speed stat

116.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Jambul
CrimsonRogue gained 1 speed stat

117.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Satyr Potato
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Yellow

118.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Stone Cupcake
CrimsonRogue gained 1 defence stat

119.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Silver Sugar Cube
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Red

120.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 3,231 BP!

121.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
CrimsonRogue gained 1 stamina stat

122.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Dark Chocolate Osafo
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Green

123.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Rock Gumball
CrimsonRogue gained 1 coordination stat

124.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Grapes
CrimsonRogue gained 1 level stat

125.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Gold Striped Worm
CrimsonRogue gained 1 stamina stat

126.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Watermelon
Favolos has rewarded you with 241 BP!

127.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Elderberries
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Yellow

128.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Tuna Roll
CrimsonRogue gained 1 music stat

129.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Giant Kai Lan
CrimsonRogue gained 1 defence stat

130.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Persimmon
CrimsonRogue gained 1 geography stat

131.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Giant Ivy Gourd
CrimsonRogue gained 1 health stat

132.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Persimmon
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Red

******133.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Guava
Favolos has rewarded you with 1 AU Credit!

134.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Yellow Gumball
CrimsonRogue gained 1 level stat

135.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Orange Gummy Dakota
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Camouflage

136.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Persimmon
CrimsonRogue gained 1 level stat

137.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Chicken Nuggets
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Green

138.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Starry Gumball
CrimsonRogue gained 1 coordination stat

139.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Guava
Favolos has rewarded you with 13 Olympic Pts!

140.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Yellow Gumball
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Blue

141.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Starry Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 1,778 MP!

142.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Yellow Gumball
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Green

143.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Cantaloupe
CrimsonRogue gained 1 balance stat

144.Vacenty fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 797 MP!

145.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Nectarine
CrimsonRogue gained 1 speed stat

146.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Red

147.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Mint Sugar Cube
CrimsonRogue gained 1 strength stat

148.Vacenty fed Favolos Grilled Fish
Favolos has rewarded you with 4,917 MP!

149.GossamerWhisper fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Favolos also ate GossamerWhisper and spat them out..
GossamerWhisper changed colour to Sleepy

150.GossamerWhisper fed Favolos Thunder Potato
Favolos also ate GossamerWhisper and spat them out..
GossamerWhisper changed colour to Green

151.GossamerWhisper fed Favolos Fig
Favolos has rewarded you with 158 RP!

152.GossamerWhisper fed Favolos Dill
Favolos also ate GossamerWhisper and spat them out..
GossamerWhisper changed colour to Yellow

153.GossamerWhisper fed Favolos Frozen Pear
GossamerWhisper gained 1 speed stat

154.GossamerWhisper fed Favolos Luffa
GossamerWhisper gained 1 speed stat

155.GossamerWhisper fed Favolos Daikon
Favolos also ate GossamerWhisper and spat them out..
GossamerWhisper changed colour to Yellow

156.GossamerWhisper fed Favolos Black Eye Cookie
Favolos also ate GossamerWhisper and spat them out..
GossamerWhisper changed colour to Red

157.GossamerWhisper fed Favolos Giant Onion
Favolos also ate GossamerWhisper and spat them out..
GossamerWhisper changed colour to Poison

158.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Green

159.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Taco Waffle
CrimsonRogue gained 1 balance stat

160.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Taco Cone
CrimsonRogue gained 1 coordination stat

161.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Starry Gumball
CrimsonRogue gained 1 health stat

162.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 167 BP!

163.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Grapes
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Australian

164.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Rock Gumball
CrimsonRogue gained 1 health stat

165.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Starry Gumball
CrimsonRogue gained 1 health stat

166.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 2,311 BP!

167.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Clump of Moss
Favolos has rewarded you with 231 BP!

168.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Callabresse
Favolos has rewarded you with 4,072 MP!

169.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
CrimsonRogue gained 1 balance stat

170.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Country Terrine
CrimsonRogue gained 1 defence stat

171.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Grilled Fish
CrimsonRogue gained 1 strength stat

172.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Furry

173.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 236 RP!

174.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Clump of Moss
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed into a Space Equilor

175.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 123 RP!

176.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Azul Biscuit
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Pink

177.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Fish Bones
CrimsonRogue gained 1 level stat

178.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
CrimsonRogue gained 1 strength stat

179.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Yellow

180.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Sugar Donut
CrimsonRogue gained 1 speed stat

181.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Starry Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 114 RP!

182.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Yellow Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 208 RP!

183.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
CrimsonRogue gained 1 math stat

184.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Beet
CrimsonRogue gained 1 stamina stat

185.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Yellow

186.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 156 BP!

187.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Durian
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Green

188.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Jar of Dirt
CrimsonRogue gained 1 coordination stat

189.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Horseradish
CrimsonRogue gained 1 level stat

190.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Red Sugar Cube
Favolos has rewarded you with 3,441 MP!

191.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Purple Eye Appetiser
CrimsonRogue gained 1 speed stat

192.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Blue

193.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 42,917 MP!

194.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Starry Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 169 BP!

195.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Starry Gumball
CrimsonRogue gained 1 stamina stat

196.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
CrimsonRogue gained 1 defence stat

197.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
CrimsonRogue gained 1 math stat

198.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
CrimsonRogue gained 1 balance stat

199.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Blue

200.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Taco Waffle
Favolos has rewarded you with 4,092 MP!

201.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Apple Gummy Chibs Paws
CrimsonRogue gained 1 strength stat

202.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 229 RP!

203.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 214 BP!

204.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 3,357 MP!

205.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Chocolate Mice
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Red

206.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 15 Olympic Pts!

207.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Blue Gumball
CrimsonRogue gained 1 defence stat

208.GossamerWhisper fed Favolos Orange Sugar Cube
GossamerWhisper gained 1 sports stat

209.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Frozen Pumpkin
Favolos has rewarded you with 195 BP!

210.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Lentils
Favolos has rewarded you with 130 BP!

211.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Crabapple
Favolos has rewarded you with 226 BP!

212.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Blue

213.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Sliced Crusty Burnt Bread
Favolos has rewarded you with 161 BP!

214.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Blue Amaryllis
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Green

215.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Physalis
Favolos has rewarded you with 178 RP!

216.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Black Beans
CrimsonRogue gained 1 sports stat

217.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Giant Cherimoya
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to White

218.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Giant Guava
Favolos has rewarded you with 102 BP!

219.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Brown Eye Cookie
Favolos has rewarded you with 106 BP!

220.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Pistachio Gelato
CrimsonRogue gained 1 level stat

221.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Jar of Pond Water
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Yellow

222.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Undying Pancakes
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Red

223.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Satyr Potato
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Orange

224.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Big Ben Cake
CrimsonRogue gained 2 strength stat

225.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Yellow

226.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 7 Olympic Pts!

227.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Giant Tamarind
Favolos has rewarded you with 205 BP!

228.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Fish in Foil
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Blue

229.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Sultan Potato
CrimsonRogue gained 1 health stat

230.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Satyr Potato
CrimsonRogue gained 1 balance stat

240.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Satyr Potato
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Headless

241.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Spider Lolly
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Blue

242.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Taco Cone
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed into a Prize Crindol

243.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Skeleton Potato
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Prize

244.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Clump of Moss
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Green

245.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Satyr Potato
CrimsonRogue gained 1 stamina stat

246.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Giant Hawthorn
Favolos has rewarded you with 7 Olympic Pts!

247.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Taco Waffle
Favolos has rewarded you with 8 Olympic Pts!

248.Vacenty fed Favolos Clump of Moss
Vacenty gained 1 stamina stat

249.Vacenty fed Favolos Clump of Moss
Favolos also ate Vacenty and spat them out..
Vacenty changed colour to Blue

250.Vacenty fed Favolos Golem Potato
Favolos also ate Vacenty and spat them out..
Vacenty changed colour to Green

251.Vacenty fed Favolos Golem Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 196 BP!

252.Vacenty fed Favolos Dark Chocolate Jessup
Vacenty gained 1 level stat

253.Vacenty fed Favolos Orange Sugar Cube
Favolos has rewarded you with 243 RP!

254.Vacenty fed Favolos Twox
Favolos also ate Vacenty and spat them out..
Vacenty changed colour to Blue

255.Vacenty fed Favolos Twox
Favolos has rewarded you with 6 Olympic Pts!

256.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Snowy Candycane
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Robot

257.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Grilled Fish
Favolos has rewarded you with 214 BP!

258.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Chicken Nuggets
Favolos has rewarded you with 151 BP!

259.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Chili Cheese Dog
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Underwater

260.Vacenty fed Favolos Giant Pronula
Favolos has rewarded you with 82 Olympic Pts!

261.Vacenty fed Favolos Fish Bones
Favolos has rewarded you with 118 BP!

262.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Mashed Potato and Gravy
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Yellow

263.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Star Fruit
CrimsonRogue gained 1 art stat

264.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Giant Yuca
Favolos has rewarded you with 207 BP!

265.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Olives
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Yellow

266.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Chili Cheese Dog
CrimsonRogue gained 1 art stat

267.Vacenty fed Favolos Mint Chocolate Chibs
Vacenty gained 1 defence stat

268.Vacenty fed Favolos Mint Chocolate Quell
Vacenty gained 1 balance stat

269.Vacenty fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Addow
Favolos has rewarded you with 14 Olympic Pts!

270.Vacenty fed Favolos Chocolate Cherries
Vacenty gained 1 speed stat

271.Vacenty fed Favolos Snowdrop
Favolos has rewarded you with 124 BP!

272.Vacenty fed Favolos Skeleton Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 7 Olympic Pts!

273.Vacenty fed Favolos Thunder Potato
Favolos also ate Vacenty and spat them out..
Vacenty changed colour to Red

274.Vacenty fed Favolos Skeleton Potato
Favolos also ate Vacenty and spat them out..
Vacenty changed colour to Blue

275.Vacenty fed Favolos Skeleton Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 12 Olympic Pts!

276.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Satyr Potato
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Green

277.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Satyr Potato
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Rainbow

278.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Satyr Potato
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Yellow

279.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Clump of Moss
CrimsonRogue gained 1 coordination stat

280.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Satyr Potato
CrimsonRogue gained 1 stamina stat

281.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Satyr Potato
CrimsonRogue gained 1 coordination stat

282.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Fish Tails
Favolos has rewarded you with 110 BP!

283.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Eggplant
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Red

284.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Orange
Favolos has rewarded you with 149 BP!

285.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Borage
CrimsonRogue gained 1 speed stat

286.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Giant Chaya
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Stoneage

287.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Giant Chokeberry
CrimsonRogue gained 1 music stat

288.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Thunder Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 162 BP!

289.CrimsonRogue fed Favolos One Slice of Flower Pizza
Favolos also ate CrimsonRogue and spat them out..
CrimsonRogue changed colour to Wizard

CrimsonRogue fed Favolos Egg Pie
Favolos was just about to eat Lemnkey but is now full
You now have a Lemnkey in your Inventory

I hope you get something good REALLY soon
18 years, 7 months & 27 days ago 1st May 2016 23:33
  1. Trading
    8th Dec 2017 13:54
    7 years & 19 days ago
  2. Scrooge items needed
    7th Dec 2017 07:32
    7 years & 20 days ago
  3. Queen Bee items needed
    20th May 2017 22:05
    7 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
  4. Missing Newspapers S-Z (till 2015)
    21st Apr 2016 21:31
    8 years, 8 months & 6 days ago
  5. Missing Newspapers L-P (till 2015)
    21st Apr 2016 20:57
    8 years, 8 months & 6 days ago
  6. Missing Newspapers E-K (till 2015)
    21st Apr 2016 20:44
    8 years, 8 months & 6 days ago
  7. Missing Newspapers B-D (till 2015)
    21st Apr 2016 20:28
    8 years, 8 months & 6 days ago
  8. Missing Magazines W-Z (till 2015)
    21st Apr 2016 20:17
    8 years, 8 months & 6 days ago
  9. Missing Magazines S-V (till 2015)
    21st Apr 2016 20:05
    8 years, 8 months & 6 days ago
  10. Missing Magazines P-R (till 2015)
    21st Apr 2016 19:36
    8 years, 8 months & 6 days ago