Good Grabs ...
8 years, 10 months & 19 days ago
23rd Feb 2016 18:21 EPM - Headless Pucu Plushie 02/23/2016
Poison Pit - 1 AU 04/10/2016
Genie - essence of arinya 12/01/2016
Monthly Contest 150AU 12/01/2016
You won Fire Potato and 50,000MP 09/29/2017
Sylestia went for a swim in the Whirlpool...
Sylestia changed to American Rofling 05/03/2018
The Genie has granted Sylestia a wish!
You now have a Essence of Basil in your Inventory 06/13/2018
You have won Potato and 50,000mp 07/13/2018
You picked up Enchanted Brown Pucu Plushie 09/14/2018
You put a token into the Capsule Machine and won...
Enchanted Red Zola Plushie 09/16/2018
You won Pink Potato and 50,000M 3/27/2019
Whirlpool - Saralee is now Eleka Tasi 01/10/2020