Foxfire Pond
9 years & 24 days ago
2nd Dec 2015 16:41 Had to record this.
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed into a Orange Rusty Nov 3, 2018
Just before this I got a purtle and didn't record it
You have completed the Foxfire Pond Treasure Map
You now have lifetime access to use the Foxfire Pond
First go:
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Green
Breeno fed Favolos Tail of Halloween Fasoro
Favolos has rewarded you with 2,331 MP!
Breeno fed Favolos Tail of Halloween Fasoro
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Blue
Glorgan fed Favolos Tail of Halloween Fasoro
Favolos also ate Glorgan and spat them out..
Glorgan changed colour to Green
Glorgan fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Glorgan and spat them out..
Glorgan changed colour to Red
Glorgan fed Favolos Bread and Cream
Favolos also ate Glorgan and spat them out..
Glorgan changed colour to Blue
Glorgan fed Favolos Gift Wrapped Chocolate Heart
Favolos has rewarded you with 100 BP!
Glorgan fed Favolos Tail of Halloween Fasoro
Glorgan gained 1 stamina stat
Glorgan fed Favolos Chocolate Mallow Kisses
Favolos has rewarded you with 10 Olympic Pts!
Glorgan fed Favolos Poera Cookie
Favolos has rewarded you with 9 Olympic Pts!
Glorgan fed Favolos Blue Raspberry Candycane Gummy
Favolos also ate Glorgan and spat them out..
Glorgan changed colour to Blue
Glorgan fed Favolos Strawberry Mountain Cake
Favolos has rewarded you with 1,494 RP!
Glorgan fed Favolos Tail of Blue Poera
Favolos has rewarded you with 185 RP!
Breeno fed Favolos Tail of Blue Poera
Favolos has rewarded you with 143 BP!
Breeno fed Favolos Candy Grapefruit
Favolos has rewarded you with 7 Olympic Pts!
Breeno fed Favolos Cherry Flower Chocolate
Favolos has rewarded you with 256 MP!
Breeno fed Favolos Candy Corn Caramel Apple
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Yellow
Breeno fed Favolos Can of Bones
Breeno gained 1 balance stat
Breeno fed Favolos Jenoa Cupcake
Breeno gained 1 stamina stat
Breeno fed Favolos Smores Candy Apple
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno fed Favolos Mint Chocolate Hearts
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed into a Rotten Leido
Breeno fed Favolos Poera Cookie
Favolos has rewarded you with 242 BP!
Breeno fed Favolos Strawberry Mountain Cake
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Yellow
Breeno fed Favolos Fish Bones
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Blue
Breeno fed Favolos Daisy Horns
Breeno gained 1 speed stat
Breeno fed Favolos Tail of Halloween Fasoro
Breeno gained 1 health stat
Breeno fed Favolos Apricot Macaron
Favolos has rewarded you with 188 RP!
Breeno fed Favolos Strawberry Mountain Cake
Favolos has rewarded you with 190 BP!
Breeno fed Favolos Cherry Gummy Chibs Paws
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Blue
Breeno fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Blue
Breeno fed Favolos Tail of Blue Poera
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Blue
Breeno fed Favolos Yellow Gummy Snookle
Favolos has rewarded you with 124 BP!
Breeno fed Favolos Tail of Blue Poera
Breeno gained 1 defence stat
Breeno fed Favolos Strawberry Mountain Cake
Breeno gained 2 balance stat
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Heart Lolly
Favolos has rewarded you with 10 Olympic Pts!
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Tree Cookies
Favolos has rewarded you with 180 RP!
Breeno fed Favolos Yellow Sugar Cube
Favolos has rewarded you with 7 Olympic Pts!
Breeno fed Favolos Yellow Heart Lolly
Favolos was just about to eat Choat but is now full
You now have a Choat in your Inventory
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Green
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos was just about to eat Cherg but is now full
You now have a Cherg in your Inventory
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Red
Breeno fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed into a Ice Crindol
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 3,196 MP!
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 9 Olympic Pts!
Breeno fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Purple
Breeno fed Favolos Starry Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 214 BP!
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed into a Headless Flab
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Red
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed into a Mental Knutt
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 balance stat
Breeno fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
Favolos was just about to eat Limox but is now full
You now have a Limox in your Inventory
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 defence stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 music stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 15 Olympic Pts!
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Green
Breeno fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed into a Brown Gonk
Breeno fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Red
Breeno fed Favolos Starry Gumball
Breeno gained 1 geography stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 238 BP!
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 history stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Green
Breeno fed Favolos Yellow Gumball
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Royal
Breeno fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
Breeno gained 1 stamina stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 speed stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 210 RP!
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Snow
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Snow
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 language stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 art stat
Breeno fed Favolos Starry Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed into a Blue Kidlet
Breeno fed Favolos Black Sugar Cube
Breeno gained 1 science stat
Breeno fed Favolos Starry Gumball
Favolos was just about to eat Lemnkey but is now full
You now have a Lemnkey in your Inventory
Breeno fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Breeno gained 1 defence stat
Breeno fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 861 RP!
You dipped Milk Chocolate Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
Tezia has gained 1 stamina stats
Breeno fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Breeno gained 1 language stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 sports stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 defence stat
Breeno fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Breeno gained 1 defence stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 2 health stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Favolos was just about to eat Salad but is now full
You now have a Salad in your Inventory
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 defence stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 14 Olympic Pts!
Breeno fed Favolos Yellow Gumball
Breeno gained 1 level stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 speed stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 242 BP!
Breeno fed Favolos Blackcurrant Lollypop
Breeno gained 1 coordination stat
Breeno fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Red
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Cheese
Breeno fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Breeno gained 1 coordination stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Stone
Breeno fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Headless
Breeno fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Favolos was just about to eat Lolie but is now full
You now have a Lolie in your Inventory
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos was just about to eat Lettuchi but is now full
You now have a Lettuchi in your Inventory
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 health stat
Breeno fed Favolos Blood Donut
Favolos has rewarded you with 2,316 RP!
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 speed stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 defence stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 stamina
Breeno fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Breeno gained 1 speed stat
Breeno fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 144 BP!
Breeno fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Breeno gained 1 health stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 stamina stat
Breeno fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Breeno gained 1 geography stat
Breeno fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed into a Witch Xoi
Breeno fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Red
Breeno fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Green
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 505 MP!
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Green
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 science stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Blue
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Radioactive
Breeno fed Favolos Big Ben Cake
Favolos was just about to eat Chagon but is now full
You now have a Chagon in your Inventory
Breeno fed Favolos Baguette
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Yellow
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed into a Fire Yakubi
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Cowboy
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Red
Breeno fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 198 RP!
Breeno fed Favolos Buttered Toast
Favolos has rewarded you with 4,718 MP!
Breeno fed Favolos Coriander
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Green
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 health stat
Breeno fed Favolos Blueberry Bagel
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Phantom
Breeno fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Radioactive
Breeno fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Breeno gained 1 health stat
Breeno fed Favolos Big Ben Cake
Breeno gained 1 speed stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sponge Cake
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Love
Breeno fed Favolos Ketchup Muffin
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno fed Favolos Cherry Pie
Favolos has rewarded you with 10 Olympic Pts!
Breeno fed Favolos Apple Pie
Breeno gained 1 balance stat
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Pie
Breeno gained 1 level stat
Breeno fed Favolos Blueberry Bagel
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Poison
Breeno fed Favolos Pumpkin Pie
Breeno gained 1 speed stat
Breeno fed Favolos Strawberry Muffin
Breeno gained 1 balance stat
Breeno fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Musical
Breeno fed Favolos Starry Gumball
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno fed Favolos Honey Bran Muffin
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Hobo
Breeno fed Favolos Blueberry Muffin
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Green
Lost a scout costume on Breeno. ugh
Breeno fed Favolos Cream Pie
Favolos has rewarded you with 118 BP!
Breeno fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Breeno gained 1 stamina stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 level stat
Breeno fed Favolos Apple Pie
Breeno gained 1 speed stat
Breeno fed Favolos Apple Pie
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed into a Radioactive Crindol
Breeno fed Favolos Brown Rolls
Breeno gained 1 coordination stat
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno got 1 art stat
Breeno fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Calico
SweetLittleLati fed Favolos Plain Muffin
Favolos also ate SweetLittleLati and spat them out..
SweetLittleLati changed colour to Yellow
SweetLittleLati fed Favolos Cream Pie
SweetLittleLati gained 1 geography stat
SweetLittleLati fed Favolos Blue Gumball
SweetLittleLati gained 1 health stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 science stat
Breeno fed Favolos Cream Pie
Breeno gained 1 level stat
Breeno fed Favolos Angel Cupcake
Breeno gained 1 coordination stat
Breeno fed Favolos Crusty Burnt Bread
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno fed Favolos Apple Muffin
Breeno gained 1 defence stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 level stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 level stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno fed Favolos Cream Pie
Breeno gained 1 history stat
Breeno fed Favolos Cream Pie
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno fed Favolos Blood Donut
Breeno gained 1 defence stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 defence stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 speed stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos has rewarded you with 10 Olympic Pts!
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 geography stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 health stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 coordination stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 health stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Blue
Breeno fed Favolos Brain Cookies
Breeno gained 1 speed stat
Breeno fed Favolos Blood Donut
Breeno gained 1 health stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Grey
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 coordination stat
You dipped Sugar Donut into the Poison Pit and...
Miss__Scarlet has gained 1 strength stats
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 math stat
Breeno fed Favolos Mini Lemon Pies
Breeno gained 1 defence stat
Breeno fed Favolos Blood Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Green
Breeno fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Breeno gained 1 sports stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 health stat
Breeno fed Favolos Strawberry Lollypop
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Purple
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed into a Australian Walee
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 coordination stat
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Breeno gained 1 health stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 level stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 speed stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Redpanda
Breeno fed Favolos Christmas Tree Cookies
Breeno gained 2 stamina stat
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Blue
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos has rewarded you with 9 Olympic Pts!
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos has rewarded you with 1 AU Credit!
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 geography stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 speed stat
Breeno fed Favolos Cinnamon Rolls
Breeno gained 1 health stat
Breeno fed Favolos Blood Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Blue
Brixxie fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos has rewarded you with 10 Olympic Pts!
Brixxie fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Brixxie gained 1 balance stat
Breeno fed Favolos Blood Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Tiger
Just as I was about to change him white. ugh
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Favolos was just about to eat Cabbachi but is now full
You now have a Cabbachi in your Inventory
This was 1st week of June 2017
Breeno fed Favolos Blood Donut
Breeno gained 1 defence stat
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Breeno gained 1 stamina stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Breeno gained 1 balance stat
Breeno fed Favolos Blood Donut
Breeno gained 1 balance stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Radioactive
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed into a Neon Jessup
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 speed stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Radioactive
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Camouflage
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 balance stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 geography stat
Ardarant fed Favolos Blood Donut
Ardarant gained 1 speed stat
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Breeno gained 1 defence stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 health stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 defence stat
Breeno fed Favolos Blood Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Radioactive
Breeno fed Favolos Blood Donut
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos was just about to eat Chlug but is now full
You now have a Chlug in your Inventory
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 stamina stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 coordination stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 health stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 level stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Breeno gained 1 stamina stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 geography stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 music stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 speed stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Chibi
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos was just about to eat Limoose but is now full
You now have a Limoose in your Inventory
end of july 2017
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 balance stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Camouflage
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed into a Chocolate Xoi
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Gingerbread
Breeno fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Breeno gained 1 sports stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Breeno gained 1 defence stat
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Breeno gained 1 level stat
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Breeno gained 1 stamina stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 balance stat
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Breeno gained 1 stamina stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 science stat
Breeno fed Favolos Ketchup Rolls
Breeno gained 1 sports stat
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Silver
Breeno fed Favolos Blood Donut
Breeno gained 1 math stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 speed stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 stamina stat
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Breeno gained 2 coordination stat
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Breeno gained 1 sports stat
Breeno fed Favolos Blood Donut
Favolos has rewarded you with 51 Olympic Pts!
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Breeno gained 1 defence stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 health stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 defence stat
Breeno fed Favolos Blood Donut
Breeno gained 1 defence stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
Breeno gained 1 sports stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 speed stat
Breeno fed Favolos Blood Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to British (he's Echlin)
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Favolos has rewarded you with 1 AU Credit!
Breeno fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Breeno gained 1 defence stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed into a Pastel Speiro
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Breeno gained 1 speed stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed colour to Pastel (osafo)
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Breeno gained 1 level stat
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Breeno gained 1 level stat
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Breeno gained 1 health stat
Breeno fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Breeno gained 1 strength stat
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Donut
Breeno gained 2 art stat
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Doughnut
Favolos was just about to eat Limox but is now full
You now have a Limox in your Inventory
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Doughnut
Breeno gained 1 coordination stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Doughnut
Breeno gained 1 level stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Doughnut
Breeno gained 1 speed stat
Stayed a hump
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Doughnut
Breeno gained 1 health stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Doughnut
Breeno gained 1 balance stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Doughnut
Breeno gained 1 level stat
FunkyFrog fed Favolos Sugar Doughnut
FunkyFrog gained 1 language stat
Breeno fed Favolos Sugar Doughnut
Breeno gained 1 speed stat
Breeno fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Favolos also ate Breeno and spat them out..
Breeno changed into a Chibi Newth
Breeno fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos was just about to eat Hyebi but is now full
You now have a Hyebi in your Inventory - Apr 10/2018
Breeno fed Favolos Chocolate Doughnut
Favolos has rewarded you with 49,491 MP!
Breeno fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Favolos was just about to eat Limoose but is now full
You now have a Limoose in your Inventory
Breeno fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Favolos was just about to eat Lemhorse but is now full
You now have a Lemhorse in your Inventory
Breeno fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Favolos was just about to eat Lemhorse but is now full
You now have a Lemhorse in your Inventory
Last 2 minis won were after I noted above that I was not recording anymore.
Wow another one
Breeno fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Favolos was just about to eat Plooster but is now full
You now have a Plooster in your Inventory Aug 8, '18