~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “I have found that it is the small everyday deed of ordinary folks that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love."
~ Gandalf (J. R. R. Tolkien ~ The Hobbit)”
“I have found that it is the small everyday deed of ordinary folks that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love."
~ Gandalf (J. R. R. Tolkien ~ The Hobbit)”
Easter 2024
Proud girl:
Halloween 2024
Valentine 2024
Washing hands and keeping your distance ...
wearing a mouth and nose protection is the biggest challenge these days ...
but we will make it ... !!!!
" Ludo ergo sum " . ( I play , therefore I am! )
I have 2 computers at home. Me and wittelsbach use the site so please do not ban us.... Thank you
Kleiner Schneemann verfolgt Mädchen:
Happy New Year:
von Fire zu Weihnacht 2023:
from Fire to Valentinesday 2024
from, Fire to Halloween:
von Fire zu St. Patricks
for Shop - Background Color is F0F0F0
Hello [%VISITOR%] . . .
wait a moment...
here, take this :
You can safely carry your purchase home with this...
[img]http://images.marapets.com/items/BirchSwatter(weapon).png[/img]Birch Swatter + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/blizzard-snow.png[/img]Blizzard Snow + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/BrokenBlueBauble.png[/img]Broken Blue Bauble + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/BrokenGreenBauble.png[/img]Broken Green Bauble + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/BrokenRedBauble.png[/img]Broken Red Bauble + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/CandycaneCrossbow.png[/img]Candycane Crossbow + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/CandycaneHarpoon.png[/img]Candycane Harpoon + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/CoalBomb.png[/img]Coal Bomb + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/glowing-krampus-egg.png[/img]Glowing Krampus Egg + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/HeadlessArinyaPlush.png[/img]Headless Arinya Plushie + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/HeadlessBasilPlush.png[/img]Headless Basil Plushie + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/HeadlessCrindolPlush.png[/img]Headless Crindol Plushie + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/HereComesKrampus.png[/img]Here Comes Krampus + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/KrampusPlushie.png[/img]Krampus Plushie + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/KrampusStamp.png[/img]Krampus Stamp + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/LegendofKrampus.png[/img]Legend of Krampus + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/kramp_mufflerscarf.png[/img]Muffler Scarf + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/NaughtyList.png[/img]Naughty List + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/NaughtyorNice.png[/img]Naughty or Nice Book + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/powder-snow.png[/img]Powder Snow + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/kramp_skaterbeanie.png[/img]Skater Beanie + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/Skramp.png[/img]Skramp + [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/SnowballCatapult.png[/img]Snowball Catapult + ------------------------- Sybrine has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward. Coal Bomb......... Popsipil has been... NAUGHTY! Popsipil has Trollitis....... Sybrine has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Broken Blue Bauble........ Sybrine has been... NAUGHTY! Sybrine has the Ice Fairy Chills.......... Sybrine has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Skater Beanie............ Sybrine has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Snowball Catapult............. Sybrine has been... NAUGHTY! Sybrine has Monochromia......... Sybrine has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Powder Snow............ Sybrine has been... NAUGHTY! Sybrine has Sunburn.............. Sybrine has been... NAUGHTY! Sybrine has got Toothache...... Sybrine has been... NAUGHTY! Sybrine has Monochromia............. Sybrine has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Headless Crindol Plushie............ Sybrine has been... NAUGHTY! ..but sometimes naughty is OK! Sybrine has gained 1 strength stat Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Broken Blue Bauble......... Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Birch Swatter...... Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Broken Blue Bauble....... Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Krampus Stamp............. Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Powder Snow............ Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! Hildegunst has Bad Breath............ Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! ..but sometimes naughty is OK! Hildegunst has gained 1 stamina stat..... Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! ..but sometimes naughty is OK! Hildegunst has gained 1 defence stat.......... Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! Hildegunst has Trollitis................ Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Coal Bomb................ Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Snowball Catapult......... Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Skater Beanie...... Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! ..but sometimes naughty is OK! Hildegunst has gained 1 strength stat......... Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Broken Red Bauble.......... Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Snowball Catapult......... Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Broken Blue Bauble.............. Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Broken Green Bauble............. Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! Hildegunst has the Breezies...... Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! Hildegunst has the Toots........... Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! ..but sometimes naughty is OK! Hildegunst has gained 1 stamina stat.... Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! ..but sometimes naughty is OK! Hildegunst has gained 1 stamina stat.......... Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! ..but sometimes naughty is OK! Hildegunst has gained 1 level stat...... Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Skramp.............. Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! ..but sometimes naughty is OK! Hildegunst has gained 1 level stat........ Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! ..but sometimes naughty is OK! Hildegunst has gained 1 strength stat....... Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! ..but sometimes naughty is OK! Hildegunst has gained 1 coordination stat..... Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! Hildegunst has the Flu........... Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Headless Crindol Plushie.......... Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! Hildegunst has a Lonely Heart............ Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Headless Basil Plushie........... Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! Hildegunst has Sunburn............ Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! ..but sometimes naughty is OK! Hildegunst has gained 1 speed stat............ Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! Hildegunst has the Toots........... Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! Hildegunst has a Lonely Heart......... Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! ..but sometimes naughty is OK! Hildegunst has gained 1 strength stat Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Krampus Plushie........... Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Legend of Krampus........... Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Broken Red Bauble............ Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Coal Bomb.......... Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! Hildegunst has a Lonely Heart........... Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Broken Red Bauble......... Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! Hildegunst has Bad Breath............ Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Broken Green Bauble........... Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! ..but sometimes naughty is OK! Hildegunst has gained 1 level stat.... Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Coal Bomb............. Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! Hildegunst has Animania........... Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward. Headless Crindol Plushie.... Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! ..but sometimes naughty is OK! Hildegunst has gained 1 health stat......... Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward. Birch Swatter.............. Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Headless Arinya Plushie......... Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.... Coal Bomb..... Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! ..but sometimes naughty is OK! Hildegunst has gained 1 level stat....... Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! Hildegunst has Fleas [img]http://images.marapets.com/avatars/wellitried.gif[/img]Congratulations! You found the 'Well... I Tried' Hidden Avatar............. [img]http://images.marapets.com/avatars/krampus.gif[/img]Congratulations! You found the 'Krampus' Hidden Avatar Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Broken Red Bauble................ Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Birch Swatter............ Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! ..but sometimes naughty is OK! Hildegunst has gained 1 level stat.......... Hildegunst has been... NAUGHTY! ..but sometimes naughty is OK! Hildegunst has gained 1 level stat...... Hildegunst has been... NICE Seasons Greetings! Here is your reward.. Birch Swatter.....