Foxfire Pond <3
8 years, 11 months & 28 days ago
28th Dec 2015 13:32 You have completed the Foxfire Pond Treasure Map
You now have lifetime access to use the Foxfire Pond
I'm going to be feeding Favolos with my pet Astree, who started out as a blue jessup.
12/28/15 Astree fed Favolos Aqua Striped Worm
Favolos has rewarded you with 3,628 MP!
12/29/15 Astree fed Favolos 10th Birthday Cookie
Favolos has rewarded you with 104 RP!
Astree fed Favolos 10th Birthday Cupcake
Astree gained 2 coordination stat
12/30/15 Astree fed Favolos Green Gumball
Favolos also ate Astree and spat them out..
Astree changed into a Party Xoi
12/31/15 Astree fed Favolos Yellow Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 195 MP!
1/1/16 <<< wow that feels weird to type haha
Astree fed Favolos Cheesey Pizza
Favolos has rewarded you with 423 MP!
1/2/16 Astree fed Favolos Yellow Gumball
Favolos also ate Astree and spat them out..
Astree changed colour to Yellow
1/3/16 Astree fed Favolos Yellow Gumball
Astree gained 1 health stat
1/7/16 Astree fed Favolos Rusty Poop
Favolos has rewarded you with 7 Olympic Pts!
1/21/16 Astree fed Favolos Zoink Poop
Favolos has rewarded you with 4,921 MP!
1/30/16 Astree fed Favolos American Pancake
Astree gained 1 defence stat
1/31/16 Astree fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 11 Olympic Pts!
2/2/16 Astree fed Favolos Trash Potato
Favolos also ate Astree and spat them out..
Astree changed into a Yellow Tantua
2/20/15 Astree fed Favolos Brazil Nuts
Favolos has rewarded you with 240 BP!
3/10/16 Astree fed Favolos Merman Cupcake
Astree gained 1 balance stat
3/14/16 Astree fed Favolos Battle Pancake
Astree gained 1 health stat
3/26/16 Astree fed Favolos Red Meal Worm
Astree gained 1 history stat
4/2/16 Astree fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 932 MP!
4/3/16 Astree fed Favolos Small Fries
Favolos has rewarded you with 222 BP!
4/4/16 Astree fed Favolos Giant Onion
Favolos also ate Astree and spat them out..
Astree changed colour to Red
4/5/16 Astree fed Favolos Aqua Worm
Favolos also ate Astree and spat them out..
Astree changed into a Witch Reese
4/8/16 Astree fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Astree and spat them out..
Astree changed colour to Green
4/10/16 Astree fed Favolos Black Sugar Cube
Astree gained 1 stamina stat
Astree fed Favolos Zoosh Poop
Favolos has rewarded you with 242 BP!
4/11/16 Astree fed Favolos Vampire Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 5 Olympic Pts!
4/12/16 Astree fed Favolos Can of Radioactive Waste
Favolos also ate Astree and spat them out..
Astree changed colour to Blue
4/13/16 Astree fed Favolos Mini Cherry Pies
Favolos has rewarded you with 15 Olympic Pts!
4/14/16 Astree fed Favolos Orange Gummy Chibs
Astree gained 1 level stat
4/15/16 I forgot to copy what I got but I did it here so woo
4/16/16 Astree fed Favolos Double Bacon Fish Cheeseburger
Favolos also ate Astree and spat them out..
Astree changed into a Pink Paffuto
4/17/16 Astree fed Favolos Gold Pearl
Favolos has rewarded you with 149 BP!
4/17/16 CocoaBaton fed Favolos Apple Gummy Chibs
CocoaBaton gained 1 strength stat
4/18/16 Astree fed Favolos Strawberry Mountain Cake
Astree gained 1 geography stat
4/19/16 Astree fed Favolos Yellow Begonia
Favolos also ate Astree and spat them out..
Astree changed into a Chibi Paffuto
4/20/16 Astree fed Favolos Grape Ice Cream Cone
Favolos has rewarded you with 158 RP!
4/21/16 i guess I forgot to paste it here??
4/24/16 Astree fed Favolos Chocolate Cloud
Astree gained 1 speed stat
Astree fed Favolos Moon Glitter Candy Apple
Astree gained 1 defence stat
4/25/16 Astree fed Favolos Starry Gumball
Favolos also ate Astree and spat them out..
Astree changed colour to Blue
4/26/16 Astree fed Favolos Slice of Ant Pizza
Astree gained 1 level stat
4/27/16 Seats fed Favolos Navy Striped Worm
Favolos has rewarded you with 141 RP!
4/28/16 Seats fed Favolos Snot Pie
Favolos also ate Seats and spat them out..
Seats changed colour to Green
5/3/16 CocoaBaton fed Favolos Amaebi
CocoaBaton gained 1 level stat
5/5/16 CocoaBaton fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 157 BP!
5/7/16 CocoaBaton fed Favolos Crazy 4 U Candy Heart
Favolos also ate CocoaBaton and spat them out..
CocoaBaton changed colour to Green
5/10/16 CocoaBaton fed Favolos Plushie Potato
CocoaBaton gained 1 coordination stat
5/12/16 CocoaBaton fed Favolos Pudding Jelly
CocoaBaton gained 1 coordination stat
5/18/16 CocoaBaton fed Favolos Satyr Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 123 BP!
5/21/16 Contravene fed Favolos Satyr Potato
Favolos also ate Contravene and spat them out..
Contravene changed colour to Blue
7/10/16 Contravene fed Favolos Satyr Potato
Favolos also ate Contravene and spat them out..
Contravene changed colour to Green
7/24/16 bworthy fed Favolos Satyr Potato
bworthy gained 1 defence stat
10/16/16 bworthy fed Favolos Matcha Eclair
Favolos also ate bworthy and spat them out..
bworthy changed colour to Yellow
11/8/16 bworthy fed Favolos Vanilla Eclair
bworthy gained 1 health stat
12/29/16 bworthy fed Favolos Matcha Eclair
Favolos has rewarded you with 210 BP!
3/27/17Louis fed Favolos Yellow Gumball
Favolos also ate Louis and spat them out..
Louis changed colour to Brown
3/29/17 Cydri fed Favolos Yellow Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 12 Olympic Pts!
4/12/17 Zayn fed Favolos Matcha Eclair
Zayn gained 1 speed stat
4/30/17 Bruxer fed Favolos Watermelon
Bruxer gained 1 health stat
7/3/17 Zayn fed Favolos Fish Burger
Favolos also ate Zayn and spat them out..
Zayn changed colour to Yellow
11/6/17 Maura fed Favolos Starry Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 155 RP!
11/16/17 Maura fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Maura gained 1 strength stat
11/18/17 Tanner fed Favolos Big Ears Pumpkin
Tanner gained 1 speed stat
11/19/17 Tanner fed Favolos Chocolate Swiss Roll
Tanner gained 1 science stat
11/20/17 Tanner fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Favolos also ate Tanner and spat them out..
Tanner changed colour to Green
11/21/17 Tanner fed Favolos Sardine
Tanner gained 1 balance stat
11/21/17 Diarrhea fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 111 RP!
11/24/17 Tanner fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Tanner gained 1 coordination stat
11/25/17 Tanner fed Favolos Hazelnuts
Favolos has rewarded you with 12 Olympic Pts!
12/3/17Tanner fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 122 BP!
12/5/17 Tanner fed Favolos Yellow Gumball
Favolos also ate Tanner and spat them out..
Tanner changed colour to Yellow
12/6/17 Tanner fed Favolos Green Candycane
Favolos also ate Tanner and spat them out..
Tanner changed colour to Red
1/3/18 Tanner fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
Tanner gained 1 science stat
1/4/18 Tanner fed Favolos Lemon Gumball
Favolos also ate Tanner and spat them out..
Tanner changed into a Love Osafo
1/7/18 Tanner fed Favolos Starry Gumball
Favolos also ate Tanner and spat them out..
Tanner changed colour to Galaxy
3/4/18Tanner fed Favolos Frozen Pear
Tanner gained 1 stamina stat
3/11/18 Maura fed Favolos Trash Potato
Favolos also ate Maura and spat them out..
Maura changed colour to Yellow
3/26/18 Maura fed Favolos Satyr Potato
Favolos also ate Maura and spat them out..
Maura changed into a Rainbow Kidlet
3/30/18 Maura fed Favolos Orange Striped Worm
Favolos also ate Maura and spat them out..
Maura changed colour to Blue
4/1/18 Maura fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Favolos also ate Maura and spat them out..
Maura changed into a Sleepy Kidlet
4/2/18 Tanner fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
Tanner gained 1 defence stat
4/3/18 Diarrhea fed Favolos Chibs Poop
Favolos also ate Diarrhea and spat them out..
Diarrhea changed colour to Green
4/4/18 Diarrhea fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 4,477 MP!
4/5/18 Diarrhea fed Favolos Yellow Gumball
Favolos also ate Diarrhea and spat them out..
Diarrhea changed colour to Blue
4/6/18 Diarrhea fed Favolos Trash Potato
Favolos also ate Diarrhea and spat them out..
Diarrhea changed colour to Green
4/7/18 Diarrhea fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Favolos also ate Diarrhea and spat them out..
Diarrhea changed colour to Chibi
4/14/18 Gretta fed Favolos Yellow Gumball
Favolos also ate Gretta and spat them out..
Gretta changed colour to Green
4/15/18 Gretta fed Favolos White Chocolate Knutt
Favolos also ate Gretta and spat them out..
Gretta changed into a Royal Renat
6/4/18 Deliah fed Favolos Crusty Burnt Bread
Deliah gained 1 strength stat
6/10/18 Deliah fed Favolos Apple Muffin
Favolos also ate Deliah and spat them out..
Deliah changed colour to Galaxy
6/15/18Diarrhea fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
Favolos also ate Diarrhea and spat them out..
Diarrhea changed colour to Red
6/17/18 Diarrhea fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Diarrhea gained 1 health stat
8/18/18 Diarrhea fed Favolos Plain Muffin
Favolos also ate Diarrhea and spat them out..
Diarrhea changed into a White Flab
8/22/18Diarrhea fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Diarrhea gained 1 level stat
8/24/18 Diarrhea fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Diarrhea gained 1 level stat
8/28/18 Samurai fed Favolos Ideus Poop
Favolos also ate Samurai and spat them out..
Samurai changed colour to Yellow
10/20/18 Liter fed Favolos Mint Chocolate Newth
Liter gained 1 speed stat
10/21/18 Liter fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Favolos also ate Liter and spat them out..
Liter changed into a Seasonal Murfin
1/8/19 Liter fed Favolos Wormy Apple
Favolos also ate Liter and spat them out..
Liter changed colour to Invisible
1/14/19 Diarrhea fed Favolos Lightning Gumball
Favolos also ate Diarrhea and spat them out..
Diarrhea changed colour to Green
1/19/19 Diarrhea fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Diarrhea gained 2 coordination stat
1/23/19 Cantal fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Favolos also ate Cantal and spat them out..
Cantal changed colour to White
3/15/19 Bedhead fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Bedhead gained 1 strength stat