Pet name meanings.
8 years, 9 months & 28 days ago
17th Mar 2016 15:56 Hello this is a list of my pets I have named when created or changed after obtaining them along with the meaning of that name.
Thanks for reading this. Any questions plz mm me
======================================================================Hampered: impeded or encumbered as if chained or fettered
Renovates: To return to a condition of newness, as by repairing or remodeling.
Vaidya: a surname of Indian origin. It is derived from words meaning physician and scholar.
Xapham: Angel of creation
Huestan: combination of Hue and Stan
Cb:Short for Citizens band radio
Ejects:To force/push something/someone out
Pawking: Name says it all lol.
Waisted:adjective. having a waist of a specified kind (usually used in combination): long-waisted; high-waisted.
Quizznos: Named after the sandwich shop. It's very similar to Subway
Copay:a small fixed amount required by a health insurer to be paid by the insured for each outpatient visit or drug prescription.
Guineafowl: sometimes called "pet speckled hen", or "original fowl" or guineahen) are birds of the family Numididae in the order Galliformes. They are endemic to the continent of Africa and rank among the oldest of the gallinaceous birds
NYSE:NYSE= New York Stock Exchange
JV: Abbreviation for Junior Varsity
Marjean: Coral, Gracious; F; Celtic/Gaelic
PD: Abbreviation for Police Department
Koraleigh: A village in New South Wales, Australia
Furend: A friend who is furry
Emesto: Italian, meaning serious
Yngvild: Old Viking girls name. yng – viking god / hild – fight. Also happens to be part of a game called Skyrim the Elders Scroll (my fav game ever haha)
Yulenah: Youthful. A form of Julia
Antedote {Antidote}: a medicine taken or given to counteract a particular poison.
BC:For me it's abbreviation for my home town of Battle Creek, **I DID NOT NAME. TRADED FOR**
USPS:United States Postal Service
Queasier: inclined to or feeling nausea, as the stomach, a person, etc.; nauseous; nauseated
Billie_Arden: Named after my dad who died of colon cancer August 26, 2002.
Michiana: a combination of Indiana and Michigan. This is what those who are in/from the border of MI or IN call the area. I'm from Edwardsburg, MI.
Hagridden: Tormented or harassed by nightmares or unreasonable fears.
QP: Means a Queens Pawn
Enywas: From the game Darkmere. Meaning: An evil destructive dragon who constantly slaughtered villagers until Prince Ebryn killed her for good
Doxies: My Username lol.
Flomax: Urinary retention medication.
SF:abbreviation of San Francisco
Seranah:a character off the game Skyrim
PawPatrol: For the Scouts event and after the kids show lol
Undur: Indonesian word undur means: retreat or withdraw *I traded for him*
UV: Abbreviation for Ultraviolet
Rakharo: From the game of thrones
Quacey: It's rare we come across quintessential Scottish names. Most of the Scottish names are borrowed from the UK. But Quacey is a pure Scottish name and means moonlight
Merrymaking: the act of taking part gaily or enthusiastically in some festive or merry celebration
Julioh: Variant of Julius, the name means young man.
Otterness: Named after Tom Otterness. He is an American sculptor best known as one of America???s most prolific public artists.
MiniPearl: Named after the late great Mini Pearl
Zobah: An Army; Warring *I traded for him* {Your pet Ariarra is
now named Zobah!6/30/2016}
DQue: After Dairy Queen [DQ]
Zingbot: Named after Zingbot from Big Brother
Excelling: to surpass; be superior to; outdo
Obow {Oboe}: Oboes are a family of double reed woodwind musical instruments. The most common oboe plays in the treble or soprano range. Oboes are usually made of wood, but there are also oboes made of synthetic materials.
Reles: Named for Abe Reles the most feared hit man for Mobsters Inc back in the 1930's. He died in 1941 from falling or being pushed out a window and was dubbed by the papers as ' The Canary who could sing but could not fly' as he was to testify against the family boss.
Flautas: A Mexican dish consisting of a flour tortilla that is rolled and filled with meat and cheese then fried.
Troxel: Troxel helmets are certified for competitive, schooling, and recreational riding.
Xexila: is a variation of the name Xexilia. Spanish word meaning 'Blind Of Self Beauty'
Kahua: a Hawaiian name which means "base or foundation"
Inkeri: Old Norse language and means "beautiful goddess"
RENAMED TO TRACEY 4/21/17SW: Abbreviation for the South West
Frequenter: a person who does things or goes to the same places a lot
Oleran: largest island in the bay of Biscay belonging to France *Traded for him*
Chinless: (of a person) lacking a well-defined chin.
lacking strength of character; ineffectual.
Veagan: a person who does not eat or use animal products. "I'm a strict vegan" *Traded for him*
Kelwen: In the Scottish language Kelwen is a derivative of the English name Kelvin
LP: Mean long play
Aristocorn: Named after the new mini from Baspinar's Castle Goals
Extorted: Past tense: extorted meaning to obtain (something) by force, threats, or other unfair means.
{Your pet Cloversoft is now named Extorted! 02/05/17}Shaanan: Hebrew meaning: Tranquil, serene, complacent
Yalundra: Trustworthy, Travel Lover, Capable
Lumberer: Person who is a lumberjack or in the lumber trade
NW: Abbreviation for the North West