[img]http://i.imgur.com/4uDYSVY.png?1[/img] PLEASE READ ENTIRE BLOG
I am currently taking orders for bulk Crystals.
To order/for prices, simply visit my Marasite; http://mara.guide/crystals
These prices change constantly, in real time, to reflect the shop search prices, and include a 15% discount from shop search, you can also change the quantity to gain an accurate price for the amount you're looking for of each crystal.
To order, simply follow the instructions on the site, using the following form;
Crystal Type:
Quoted Price:
If you wish to order more than one type, simply repeat the form as necessary, please note they must equal a minimum of 100 crystals total.
Final Note: The price quoted on the site is just that, a rough quote, I will check the prices again as soon as I receive the order, and that will be the final price, so the final price may vary up or down, I will mail you to confirm.