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Club:Join the ATM Club | Vote:Yes I will Vote |Pets:None are EVER for Trade/Sell

Age:Adult Player

I am an Adult Player that have been playing Marapets since July 11, 2006, 9:27 pm Marapets is my escape from the REAL WORLD which is a hard place at the moment. I joined with my sister (GutterxFlower) we run the Adult Club Addicted to Mara so if you are looking for an Adult Club where you can be as Active as you want and just relax and get the help you need then just mail me for an invite (Tell me a little about yourself) the only requirement is to be 18+.

My sister is my best friend and we raise a furbaby (Charley) together he is 14 Years young. Here on Mara I love working on ALL the Collections but my favorite has to be Wardrobe and Avatars I also collect a lot of different items for my Gallery but the main items I love collecting is my Potato Collection. I collect them in Bulk and welcome any you DON'T want :D

Things I Love in the RL are...

Reading---I love A lot of different types but read a lot of Stephen King & James Patterson...I have read The Hatchet by Gary Paulsen over 100 Times <---Not kidding love that book!

Photos---I love taking Photos of random things but mostly of My Charley and Food lol <3

Scrapbooking--- I Scrapbook with my sister we use not only real Photos but clippings from Magazines we subscribe to a lot of different type and have over 50 FULL boxes in storage of Magazines to still go through we try and use every bit we can for crafts as well NO waste!

Alice in Wonderland--- You may have noticed a lot of my Pet Names are inspired but Alice in Wonderland as well as a whole section in the back of my Gallery, here in the RW I collect Alice in Wonderland items as well it makes me happy to find something that I love to go in my collection.

Coloring/Drawing--- I like to relax by Coloring w/ my sister have SO MANY coloring books and Sketch Books.

Coffee---I splurge on coffee and love having a Frap Treat at Starbucks (Mocha Extra Ice, Extra thick with whip lol)

If you need help with anything feel free to mail me I will help if I can. I lend items from my Gallery as long as it can be returned within a Months time. I answer my mail and MT right away so if I am not responding it is because I am away from the computer.

  1. Vault Code:Book of Socks
    25th May 2018 12:00
    6 years, 3 months & 30 days ago
  2. Ugly Contest:Cold Feet
    24th May 2018 02:10
    6 years & 4 months ago
  3. Beauty Contest:I Hear The Bells
    22nd May 2018 15:59
    6 years, 4 months & 1 day ago
  4. --->Gemini TC Wardrobe Preview & More<---
    21st May 2018 16:12
    6 years, 4 months & 2 days ago
  5. Lottery Winner 5/20/2018
    20th May 2018 00:20
    6 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
  6. --->May 2018 Doll Challenges<---
    19th May 2018 15:56
    6 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
  7. Sewer Cleaner Mission:Gold Trophy
    17th May 2018 13:04
    6 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
  8. Ugly Contest:Underworld
    17th May 2018 00:51
    6 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
  9. Temple of Tableaus x30
    16th May 2018 12:05
    6 years, 4 months & 8 days ago
  10. Beauty Contest:Overworld
    15th May 2018 02:45
    6 years, 4 months & 9 days ago
31 Halloween Questions (Survey)
8 years, 11 months & 11 days ago
12th Oct 2015 20:43

Here is 31 Halloween Questions. Post the link to your Blog Entry in the Comments if you decide to take it would love to see your answers. A Blank version of the quiz is in the comments section.

31 Halloween Questions Survey

[img][/img]01.Is your birthday in October?No it is in May.

[img][/img]02.Do know someone who has a birthday in October? Yes

[img][/img]03.Do you like the weather that comes in October?YES it cools down some and rains more so I love it!

[img][/img]04.Do you still go trick or treating?No I stopped when I was like 14 when a home would not let me get a treat they thought I was to old because I was taller and more developed then the other kids my age. It embarrassed me to much to try again.

[img][/img]05.What is your favorite costume you have ever worn?This Devil costume I had when I was little. I had my whole face painted red was fun.

[img][/img]06.What will you be this year?Myself.

[img][/img]07.On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being most liked) how much do you like haunted houses?10! I always wanted to make one myself.

[img][/img]08.What is your most memorable moment in a haunted house?Don't have one.

[img][/img]09.Are you a person that flies out of the haunted house crying or laughing your head off? Laughing even if I do get spooked.

[img][/img]10.What's your favorite scary movie?Not into Scary Movies really. Only Horror on film I really like is Rocky Horror Picture Show.

[img][/img]11.Do you watch scary movies alone...and in the dark?No. I never watch anything alone I have my sister to watch everything with!

[img][/img]12.Do you like candy corn?Yes.

[img][/img]13.Ever been pranked as a halloween joke? If so, what happened?No.

[img][/img]14.Have you ever pranked someone to give em' a good halloween scare? What prank did you pull?Just TP a house.

[img][/img]15.In a scary movie, would you be the one who goes to check out the freaky noise upstairs, or the one who is smart and runs? (Not that there are many people in movies who are smart enough to walk away from the direction the noise is coming's what makes a movie a movie, right?)RUN!

[img][/img]16.Do you and a group of friends get together and have scary movie marathons, staying up all night being scared?Have never done it but was planing to do it this year.

[img][/img]17.Do you go to corn mazes?Never Been.

[img][/img]18.If so, do you stick with the non-scary maze, or do you go for the haunted one?If I went I would like to try both.

[img][/img]19.Going back in time, if you were given the chance to play in any scary movie, which one would you pick?Chucky. I would turn that doll into dust right away gave me nightmares for years!

[img][/img]20.Do you like the bloody, gory, slasher, run for your life because you're about to get your throat cut open, movie? Or are you for the suspenseful, not much blood type?Suspenseful.

[img][/img]21.Do you find movies like chucky, the puppet master, dolls, etc, extremely dumb?I would not say Dumb they are classic films that a lot love. I am just not into them.

[img][/img]22.Is it creepy to you that sometimes they use kid's toys as the murderers?Yes.

[img][/img]23.Are you into carving pumpkins?Yes. I love it but am not good at all!

[img][/img]24.Do you roast the seeds and then eat them?I have in the past and liked it.

[img][/img]25.Have you ever been to a costume dance/party?Only is school.

[img][/img]26.What is the stupidist scary movie ever made, in your opinion? I wouldn't know.

[img][/img]27.What's the best scary movie ever made? I loved the Shining but not that scary.

[img][/img]28.What's the last scary movie you went to see in theatres? Did you like it?Blair Witch Project and not really.

[img][/img]29.What type of candy to you like to receive?CHOCOLATE!

[img][/img]30.What is the worst thing you have recieved Trick or Treating? A Toothbrush.

[img][/img]31.What is your favorite part about Halloween?The decorations, and the costumes. I also love the season the weather the smells <3

my grandpa's birthday is halloween
18 years, 11 months & 11 days ago 12th Oct 2015 23:05
31 Halloween Questions Survey

01.Is your birthday in October?

02.Do know someone who has a birthday in October?

03.Do you like the weather that comes in October?

04.Do you still go trick or treating?

05.What is your favorite costume you have ever worn?

06.What will you be this year?

07.On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being most liked) how much do you like haunted houses?

08.What is your most memorable moment in a haunted house?

09.Are you a person that flies out of the haunted house crying or laughing your head off?

10.What's your favorite scary movie?

11.Do you watch scary movies alone...and in the dark?

12.Do you like candy corn?

13.Ever been pranked as a halloween joke? If so, what happened?

14.Have you ever pranked someone to give em' a good halloween scare? What prank did you pull?

15.In a scary movie, would you be the one who goes to check out the freaky noise upstairs, or the one who is smart and runs? (Not that there are many people in movies who are smart enough to walk away from the direction the noise is coming's what makes a movie a movie, right?)

16.Do you and a group of friends get together and have scary movie marathons, staying up all night being scared?

17.Do you go to corn mazes?

18.If so, do you stick with the non-scary maze, or do you go for the haunted one?

19.Going back in time, if you were given the chance to play in any scary movie, which one would you pick?

20.Do you like the bloody, gory, slasher, run for your life because you're about to get your throat cut open, movie? Or are you for the suspenseful, not much blood type?

21.Do you find movies like chucky, the puppet master, dolls, etc, extremely dumb?

22.Is it creepy to you that sometimes they use kid's toys as the murderers?

23.Are you into carving pumpkins?

24.Do you roast the seeds and then eat them?

25.Have you ever been to a costume dance/party?

26.What is the stupidist scary movie ever made, in your opinion?

27.What's the best scary movie ever made?

28.What's the last scary movie you went to see in theatres? Did you like it?

29.What type of candy to you like to receive?

30.What is the worst thing you have recieved Trick or Treating?

31.What is your favorite part about Halloween?
18 years, 11 months & 11 days ago 12th Oct 2015 20:44
  1. Vault Code:Book of Socks
    25th May 2018 12:00
    6 years, 3 months & 30 days ago
  2. Ugly Contest:Cold Feet
    24th May 2018 02:10
    6 years & 4 months ago
  3. Beauty Contest:I Hear The Bells
    22nd May 2018 15:59
    6 years, 4 months & 1 day ago
  4. --->Gemini TC Wardrobe Preview & More<---
    21st May 2018 16:12
    6 years, 4 months & 2 days ago
  5. Lottery Winner 5/20/2018
    20th May 2018 00:20
    6 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
  6. --->May 2018 Doll Challenges<---
    19th May 2018 15:56
    6 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
  7. Sewer Cleaner Mission:Gold Trophy
    17th May 2018 13:04
    6 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
  8. Ugly Contest:Underworld
    17th May 2018 00:51
    6 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
  9. Temple of Tableaus x30
    16th May 2018 12:05
    6 years, 4 months & 8 days ago
  10. Beauty Contest:Overworld
    15th May 2018 02:45
    6 years, 4 months & 9 days ago