Symbols ~

9 years, 3 months & 12 days ago
Ascii facebook text art smileys ??? ??? ??? ??
??? ??? ??? ???
?? ?? ???
=^.^= ???^.^??? ???^.^??? (>??????)??? ??????????????????
?????????????????? ???'???'??? =??? ??????????????? ??????????????? ??????????????? ??????????????? ???^???^??? ????????????? ????????? (????????????) ???.??? :???) ???) ???) ???) |:-) =)


;=) ;-) ??) ^o^ ^.^ ^.^) =^.^= :*) :-> (???????) ??(????????????)?? ??(??-??????-)?? (-?????????)?? ??(??????)?? ??(?????????-??)?? <(^,^)> (?????????) ??????????????? ??????????????? '???' :=??? ??? ??=) ??-?? ^^. ????????????????????? =D ??D ??B=D XD X=D ???(*???*)??? ???(???????)??? ZB-D ??????? / 2??-?? 2??-3 |??? (??? ??????)|
SAD ??? =??? :[ :-C ?????????? *???* ???????????? ?????????? '??' ???_?????? :'( :'< :"< ???.??? <

<:-( <:'-( <:"( ???.??? ???_??? (?????????) ??(??_??)?? ??? ????????????

:b =P =b =-b :-P :?? :-?? B-?? B=?? ??-b ???????? P=: :-J 2??-P
SWEET (>??????) ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? %????????????% (????????????) (????????????) ??????????????? -=#:-) :-?? =?? :-?? :-?? (????????????)??? ???
??????????????? ?????????????????? ZB-?? ZB-??

BD ??) ??-D XD B-| B??? B-/ 2??-V
???.??? :I =| :=| (???.???) :???
m/(>.<)m ???.??? ???`_?????) (???_?????) ???.??? m(><)m >

>:-( >:=( >

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O:-) O:=) ???=???????=??? ??=) 3

}:-) }:=) }

3:=( }:-(
???+??? =??? (??????,) ??? ?????? <3 3 :-* @};- @>--;-- =?? ????????? ?????????
Love, heart ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??
??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ???
=U =?? !o???O! ???_??? O???o ???.??? ???_??? ???.??? ???.??? ???.??? ???.??? @.@ ??????,?????? ??????,?????? O.o

??o.O (?????.o ???.???) :-O

:-o :-X :-?? ??????.??? <('o'<)~ =U ???.??? (~_^) =??? =??? ???,??? =I :-I :-1 =?? _*.*_ =$ :-# :/ : =/ = :=/ := (???.?????) ???_??? *-* ??.?? (???.???) ???,??? <(' .' )> ^( '-' )^ v( ???.??? )v /??,?? ???_?????? } :=/ =?? =?? =?? =?? =l =L
..^.^..zZzzZZ >:[P] <('o'<) ^( '-' )^ (>???o???)> v( ???.??? )v <(' .' )> <('.'<) /''' (???.???) /''' ????????????? //_^ <:3 )~ O--<]: }-(((*> (_T_) (*???*) :??? v(*.*)^ %???.???% ????????? ?????? ?????????? ???????????????? [????$????(??????????????)????$????] ????????????????????????????????????????????? o==[]::::::::::::::::> ??????(???o???)????????? ( ???o???) ??????
???(?????`)???(????????)???(`????)??? _|__(-.-) t(>.
( =':')---<[:]|||||||[:]>
(????????????) ????????????? (???? ???? ????) (???????) ?????????????????? (>??????)??? ??????????????? ??????????????? (???????) (????????????) ??(??????????)?? ??? (?????????) / ??(???????) ???(???????) ????????????????????? ??B=D
(????????????)??? ??? (???????????) ????????? (??????,) ??????????????? ??????_?????? (???_???) /??,??
(???.???(???_???)???.???) ???.??? ???_??? ??? ???????????? (?????????) ???(????????)???
(??? ????????????)??? ????????? (???'??-'??)??? (???????_?????)??? (??????)????????? ???(???????)???
????????? ??????(`?????)????????? ?????????
( =':')
( ) ( )
(* .*)
Flower ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Weather ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??
No ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ???
Yes ??? ??? ??? ???
Hand ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Money ??? ?? ?? ??? $ ????? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??
??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ??? z?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? K?? ???
Stars/Snow ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ????????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Cards ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Chess ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Question, exclamation ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??
Religious ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Write ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Music ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? -??? ?? ??

) :] :3 :c) :> =] 8) =) :} :^) :???) Smiley or happy face

8-D 8D x-D xD X-D XD =-D =D =-3 =3 B^D Laughing, big grin, laugh with glasses
:-)) Very happy or double chin
>:[ :-(

:-c :c :-< :???C :< :-[ :[ :{ Frown, sad
;( Winky frowny, used to signify sadness, with a bit of sarcasm. It is easily misunderstood.
:-|| :@ >

:'-( :'( Crying
:'-) :') Tears of happiness
D:< D: D8 D; D= DX v.v D-': Horror, disgust, sadness, great dismay



8-0 O_O o-o

o_O o_o O-O Surprise, shock, yawn
:* :^* ( '}{' ) Kiss, couple kissing

*-) *) ;-] ;] ;D ;^) :-, Wink, smirk


X-P x-p xp XP :-p

=p :-?? :?? :?? :-?? :-b :b d: Tongue sticking out, cheeky/playful, blowing a raspberry
>: >:/ :-/ :-. :/ : =/ = :L =L :S >.< Skeptical, annoyed, undecided, uneasy, hesitant
:| :-| Straight face, no expression, indecision
:$ Embarrassed, blushing
:-X :X :-# :# Sealed lips or wearing braces
O:-) 0:-3 0:3 0:-) 0

0;^) Angel saint,innocent


>:-) Evil
}:-) }

3:-) 3

o/o ^5 >_>^ ^<_< High five
|;-) |-O Cool,[7] bored/yawning
:-& :& Tongue-tied
#-) Partied all night
%-) %) Drunk,confused
:-###.. :###.. Being sick
<:-| Dumb, dunce-like
???_??? Look of disapproval The Unicode character ??? is from the Kannada alphabet and can be called differently in HTML notation: ಠ and ಠ (for Unicode)
<*)))-{ ><(((*> ><> Fish, something's fishy, Christian fish
o/ Cheer "Yay, yay.
*/* Cheerleader
@}-;-'--- @>-->-- Rose
~(_8^(I) Homer Simpson
5:-) ~:- Elvis Presley
//0-0 John Lennon
*<|:-) Santa Claus

] Bill Clinton
,:-) 7:^] Ronald Reagan
<3 3 Heart and broken-heart
(>_<) (>_<)> Troubled
(';') Baby






???^^;???^_^; (#^.^#) (^ ^

Nervous, embarrassed, troubled, shy,sweat drop
.???o?????????o???. Bubbles
<???:??? Squid
(^???^)y-.???o??? (-???-)y-????????? Smoking
(-_-)zzz Sleeping
(^_-) (^_-)-??? Wink
((+_+))???(+o+) (??????) (???-???) (???.???) (???_???) (???_???>) (?????????) Confused
(o|o) Ultraman
^_^ (???o???) (^_^)/ (^O^)??? (^o^)??? (^^)/ (?????????)/ (/?????????)/ (^o^)??? ???( ????????)??? ( ????????) ^??^ Joyful
(__)???_(._.)_???_(_^_)_???<(_ _)>??????m(__)m m(_ _)m Kowtow as a sign of respect, or dogeza for apology
(??????)??? Tadpole
( ^^) _U~~???( ^^) _???~~ Cup of tea
?????? ?????? Shooting star
???(?????????)???????????????? (?????????)????????????????????????? "Where am I?", "Who am I?"
>???)))??? (Q )) ><?????? (???))<< >???))))??? <???)))??? >???))??? <+ ))><< <*)) >=< Fish
('_') (/_

(T_T) (;_

(;_; (;_



(ToT) (?????????) ;_; ;-; ;n; ;; Q.Q T.T QQ Q_Q Sad, crying
(???_???)!!???(-.-)???(-_-) ( ??????)???(??????_???) Shame
???:?????? Octopus
(=_=) Tired
~>???)???????????? Snake
?????????_???????????? Bat
(=^???^=)???(=^??????^=)???=^_^= Cat
(..) (._.) Looking down
(??????? (?_?) Confusion
>^_^< <^!^> ^/^ ???*^_^*??? ??^???^?? (^<^) (^.^) (^???^) (^???^) (^???^) (^_^.) (^_^) (^^) (^J^) (*^???^*) ^_^ (#^.^#) ??????????????? Normal laugh
(^^)/~~~ (^_^)/~ (;_

/~~~ (^.^)/~~~ ($??????)/~~~ (@^^)/~~~ (T_T)/~~~ (ToT)/~~~ Waving
??????* Bomb
(V)o???o(V) Vartan
???(~o~)??? ???(^o^)??? ???(-o-)??? ???(^???^)??? ???(^o^)??? (*^0^*) Excited
(*_*) (*_*; (+_+) (@_@) (@_@??? (???_???

??????(???o???)?????? Amazed
(*^^)v (^^)v (^_^)v (?????????) ??????????????? ????????????????? ??????????????? ??????????????? ??????-???*) Laughing, cheerful
(~o~) (~_~)
((d[-_-]b)) Headphones/listening to drum and bass music.
(-"-)???(?????????)???(^_^???)???(-_-???)???(???????????(~_~???)???(?????????)???(?????????)???<`?????>???<`?????> (??????

(^0_0^) Eyeglasses
( ..)?????????????? ??(..)???????????? Note
:-P :-O |:3??? :-> 8-< :-) :-<


:| :-|
?????????o????????? ??????????????? ??????????????? ??????????????? ( ^)o(^ ) (^O^) (^o^) (^???^) )^o^( (*^???^*) (????????????) Happy
??????????????? Grinning
????????????????????o?? ??O??

o_O o_0 o.O (o.o) Surprised
???*????????*??? (*???????)=3 Infatuation
????????? ???????? ??????????????? Shocked, surprised
(*???m???) Dissatisfied
?????????????????????????_(???)_/?? Mellow, shrug
(??????????`) (???A`) Snubbed or deflated
(*^3^)/~??? Blowing a kiss
.....??(????????????) Studying is good
???????????????(?????????)?????????!!!!! "It's here", Kitaa!, a general expression of excitement that something has appeared or happened.
???|???|??? STO OTZ OTL orz Despair. The "O" or "o" represents one's head on the ground, "T" or "r" forms the torso and "S" or "Z" forms the legs.
(??????????????????? ????????? ???????????? ??_(???) ????????? ??????(`????)?????? ????????? ????????????( ?? _ ?????) (????????????)??????????????? Table flip
( ???? ???? ????) "Lenny Face" or "Le Face Face" or "deg deg", used to spam various Internet message boards
m9(^??^) jeering laughter
m(_ _)m kowtow as a sign of respect, or dogeza for apology
(??????????`) snubbed or deflated
<`?????> or <???????????> stereotypical Korean character (Nid??)
<??????????> stereotypical North Korean character (Kig??)
??? ????????????? stereotypical Japanese character (Mon??)
??? ??????
??? ?????????????? stereotypical Chinese character (Sin??)
????????????????????? stereotypical Taiwanese character (Wan??)
??? ??? ???
??? ????????? ??? stereotypical Vietnamese character (Ven??)
????????????????? stereotypical Indian Character (Monast??)
??? ??_????????? stereotypical American character (Sam??)
?????c_??-??? stereotypical Jewish character (Yud??)
????????_????????? stereotypical English character (Jak??)
?? ???_>?????? stereotypical French character (Torir??)
?????????_?????? stereotypical German character (Gerumandamu)
??? ??_)??? ??? stereotypical Austrian character (Osut??)
?????????_???????? stereotypical Russian character (Rosuk??)
???????????????????? stereotypical Mexican character (Am??go)
(>??? - ??? )> stereotypical Persian character (juj??)
(`??????????) feel perky
???|???|??? given up
(???-??)> salute
(??????????`) terribly sad
???(????????)??? peace of mind
???(`????)??? be irritable
(???????????) angry
??? ?????????? yelling, or panting
????????????????? surprised, or loudmouthed
???('???`???)??? don't know the answer
?????????????? carefree
????????_???`??? indifferent

( ?????????) happy, upbeat
???????????????(?????????)?????????!!!!! "It's here", Kitaa!, a general expression of excitement that something has appeared or happened or "I came".
????????????*????????????*:.???..???.:*??????(n?????????)????????*:.???. .???.:*????????????* !!!!! Girlish version of "It's here"
??????????????????????????????????? "bu-n", being carefree and above, with arms stretched out while running/soaring.
(*????`)???????????? Erotic stirring, haa haa
(??????????)???(??????????`)????????????????????? Patting, nade nade
(((( ???????????))) Spook
??(????????) Huge surprise
( ????????)??)???`) Jog someone's cheek
???????????? ??????(- -???)???????????? Blaming "now now"
( ????????) Amazed
(?????`)y-~~ Smoking
??? ^_^???o??????o???^_^ ??? Toast "Cheers"
m9(?????????) Flash of intuition
???(?????`)???(????????)???(`????)??? Friendly
('A`) Lonely
??? ??,_???`) Depressed, unsatisfied (based on indifferent)
?????-`???.???oO( ... ) Thinking
(????????;???;????????) Impatience
( ????)??????(???????)??????(????? ) Whispers
????????????)?????? Carrying money
???????????????????????????????????(?????;;;????????? Sliding on belly, "whooaaa!!!"
(????????) Unforeseen
(?????????) "I don't need it"
??(??????????)(???????????)??? Come on
??????????????? Mocking, "good"
??????????????? "That's bad"
(?????????) Discharged drug-in-brain, goofing around, "A-HYA!"
??? ??? ?? ?????? Sad
?????????(???????)????????? Not convincing
(?????????) Simper, Snorlax
( ?????????)???????????????????????????????????? ??? / ???/ ??? Evil laugh (literally ahahaHAHA...)
[????????] Deflagged
??????(???o???)????????? ( ???o???) ????????? ( ) ????????? (???o??? ) ?????????(???o???)?????? Happy expressions, dancing to the music
d(*?????????*)b Happy expression
???|???|???, STO or OTZ or OTL Despair. The "O" or "o" represents one's head on the ground, "T" or "r" forms the torso and "S" or "z" forms the legs.
(??? ?????????) Extreme Distaste, meant to appear as an exaggerated grimace
(?????????) Shouting

Pretending not to notice, asleep because of boredom
???(^o^)???(^O^)???(^???^)??????(^-^)?????? Kana reading "O ya su mi" meaning "Good night" or "Night"
(*??????O???)<???????????????????????????????????????????????????! Calling out, "Ooooi!"
???| ?????????|?????????????????????????????( *o*)/ Kick
???????????????????????????????????? Chuckle
???(???`???,)??? Discombobulated
??=??=??=???(;*????`)??? Running
???(?????`)/ Happy
^???^ Happy
(l'o'l) Shocked
???(???`?????????)??? really angry
o/ o_ o/ o_ "It's here"
(????????????)??? or ???(????????????) "Do it"
???(?????????)??? Angel
^_^ smiley
~_~ content
`_^ or ^_~ wink
>_< angry, frustrated
^o^ laughing maniacally
^o^v peace
^o^/ very excited (raising hands into the air)
-_- annoyed (trying to hide annoyance), also sleeping (eyes shut)
??_?? focused at a particular person
;_; or ;]; crying
o_O or

confused surprise (one eye raised)
>_0 or 0_< flinching, ouch!
>_> or <_< yeah, right...
._. small - hiding, discreet, intimidated
$_$ thinking about money
x_x dead or knocked out
@_@ dizzy
T_T crying or not amused
!_! crying
u_u sad
m(_ _)m bowing
(????????) "heh?" or "what are you saying?" or "surprised"
(????????)y??????~~ smoking
( ????????)??? vomits saliva
(???????????)??? "Come on" or "Come here"
y=???( ????????)??????. shot my head
??(?????????????????????????) confusion
??(||????????) scary
?? (????????;??? surprised
??????????????? "well" or "good"
??????????????? "bad" or "not good"
( ??_??????)
[add message here]????????????(?????????)????????????!!!!! "shout [message]"
(??????????????) relieved happy
(?????????????)??? innocent happy
???( ????????)??? happy dog
(????????????) cute happy
(?????????????) ??????*:.???. .???.:*??? happy with music
??_??, ??_??, ??_o, ??_u or o_??.
?????????, ?????????, ????????? , -???- , '???', "???", '???' '???'
gimme ??? ??? ???_??? ??????
Hug (????????????)???
Hugs (?????????????????????)???
Hugs And Kisses (?????? ?????)???
Boobies (. )( .)
Happy Square ?????????
So Sorry ????????????????
Yes! Success. (?????????????)?? ????
Peace Yo! (?????????)???
Punch! O=(???-???Q)
Love in eyes (???_???)
Bear ??????????? ??????????????
Party time ???(-_-)??????(-_-??? )??????(-_-)??????(-_-)???
Angry ???(?????????)???
Cry (?????????,)
Coffee c[_]
Sleeping (-.-)Zzz...
?????? ??? ?????? ??? ??????

??? ???