10 Enchanted dips
9 years, 4 months & 19 days ago
28th Aug 2015 17:29 knuttparty has changed into Red Knutt and your Enchanted Knutt Dip has now lost its magical power
knuttparty has changed into Blue Knutt and your Enchanted Knutt Dip has now lost its magical power
knuttparty has changed into Red Knutt and your Enchanted Knutt Dip has now lost its magical power
knuttparty has changed into Red Knutt and your Enchanted Knutt Dip has now lost its magical power
knuttparty has changed into Yellow Knutt and your Enchanted Knutt Dip has now lost its magical power
knuttparty has changed into Yellow Knutt and your Enchanted Knutt Dip has now lost its magical power
knuttparty has changed into Blue Knutt and your Enchanted Knutt Dip has now lost its magical power
knuttparty has changed into Yellow Knutt and your Enchanted Knutt Dip has now lost its magical power
knuttparty has changed into Blue Knutt and your Enchanted Knutt Dip has now lost its magical power
knuttparty has changed into Red Knutt and your Enchanted Knutt Dip has now lost its magical power
spent 500k
yeaaaaa that didnt work out