Giving EVERYTHING away!
9 years, 3 months & 24 days ago
22nd Sep 2015 22:01 Hey everyone!
I quit marapets quite a long time ago and I had the thought of giving all my stuff away as my items/pets would belong better to those who actually play the game
Over the course of ??? days, I'll be giving away:3 Million + MP 5 Million+ MP
150000 + RP
80000 + BP 140000+ BP
16 AU Credit
My pets
A ton of random items
My gallery
Before I give away the more valuable stuff, I have a ton of cheaper stuff to give out! So as long as you post as I ask you to, it's guaranteed you'll win a prize
Part 1 of the Giveaway1. Go to my forum post of the giveaway
2. Post something positive AND a happy face
(or tell a joke
3. I'll send you an item when I see it!
You can claim 1 item everyday until I run out of items This part of the giveaway will end when I run out :3
Day 1: Finished
Day 2: Finished
Day 3: Finished
Everyday I'll also be casually donating items to the Pot of GoldPart 1 has FINISHEDPart 2Not started, I'll update this later
Win items that are 300K+ MP!
Currency Prizes: (thanks to those who helped with the conversion! RP 1:7 MP BP 1:2 MP ?)
- 2mil MP
- 1mil MP
- 1mil MP
- 100K RP
- 500K MP
- 500K MP
- 70K RP
- 148K BP
- 250K MP
- 250K MP
AU Credit Prizes (apparently it's 1mil MP per AUC)
- 5 AUC
- 4 AUC
- 3 AUC
- 2 AUC
- 1 AUC
- 1 AUC
My pets if anyone even wants them