Temple of Transumption
9 years, 4 months & 26 days ago
20th Aug 2015 09:31 I have been working on this temple for almost 3 years.
My status is .... Completed Level 29 of 30.
I need a Green Grinido to complete the temple.
My Grinido has turned every color except green.
A Mara-Friend has done the temple at least 3x since I started my venture.
They are as confused as I am as to why this has taken so very very long to complete.
Anyone PLEASE have a Green Grinido for trade or sale.
Started this blog with a Red Grinido.
Changed colour to a Yellow Grinido!!
8/26/15..One week today
Nothing Happened
8/29/15..10 days
Changed colour to a Brown Grinido!!
9/4/15..One week today
Nothing Happene
9/5/15....7 days
Changed colour to a Purple Grinido!!
9/14/15....9 days
Changed colour to a Yellow Grinido!!
9/14/15... I finally finished the temple. Thank you so much Myth for making this possible !!!!!!