Nimbus Goals
9 years, 6 months & 2 days ago
15th Jul 2015 12:03 Level Goal Prize
1 You need to play Balloon Burst.
Chocolate Cloud
2 You need to unlock at least one Experience.
3 You need to buy an item from the Toiletries Shop.
Cloud Potato
4 You need to play Cloud Nine game.
5 You need to complete at least Level 2 of Greedy Gertrude mission.
Blueberry Gelato
6 You need to complete at least 10 Borak's Brew quests.
7 You need to have at least 25 items in your Wardrobe and visit the Wardrobe Fairy.
Greedy Gertrude Figurine
8 You need to unlock at least 5 Experiences.
9 You need to have at least 30 stamps in your Stamp Album and visit the Daylight Fairy.
Lightning Blade
10 You need to complete Level 5 or higher of Greedy Gertrude mission.
11 You need to own a Daylight pet. View pet profile and return to goals.
Lightning Shield
12 You need to complete at least 20 Borak Quests.
13 You need to have completed at least 100 quests for the Royal Fairy.
Guide to Nimbus
14 You need to complete level 7 or higher of Greedy Gertrude mission.
15 You need to own a Breeze coloured pet. View the pet then return to Nimbus Goals.
16 You need to have 100 or more clothing items in your Wardrobe and visit Wardrobe Fairy.
17 You need to do 30 or more Borak Brew quests.
Hot Air Instrumental
18 You need to own a Moonlight pet and view it's profile.
19 You need to win Cloud Nine game with a multiplier of 5 or more.
Mango Plushie
20 You need to own any Fairy coloured pet.
21 You need to use the Capsule Machine.
Cloud Pearl
22 You need to complete level 10 or higher at the Greedy Gertrude mission.
23 You need 60 or more stamps in your album for the Daylight Fairy.
Sun Stamp
24 You need to own any Angel coloured pet.
25 You need to have completed 50 or more Borak's Brew quests.
26 You need to complete level 15 or higher at the Greedy Gertrude mission.