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  1. {[Item Progress/Tutorial [1] ]}
    6th May 2015 03:13
    9 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
  2. .
    12th Nov 2013 20:30
    11 years, 3 months & 8 days ago
  3. {[Free Glitter Marapets]}
    23rd Jun 2013 12:48
    11 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
  4. Blog #364931
    12th Dec 2012 13:45
    12 years, 2 months & 9 days ago
{[Item Progress/Tutorial [1] ]}
9 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
6th May 2015 03:13

[img][/img]Here's something no one asked for nor wanted, but I felt like doing.[img][/img]

First things first, make your sketch. It's rough so don't worry too much about the details, but the cleaner you make it, the easier it is to do the lineart. I work on a 350x350 canvas since the items are resized down to 80x80. 250x250 is also an acceptable size, but I personally wouldn't work any smaller!

Next do your lineart, try to make sure you vary your line weight to give the item depth. I work with a 9 pixel brush, and a size 4 for small details (if there are any)

I redefined the rough part of my sketch, so that it was cleaner, and better showed what I wanted it to look like.

I lined the green details since they were going to be colored first, and deleted the sketch layer, along with the green part of the sketch since I didn't need them anymore.

I added thorns to the pink sketch layer, since I'm planning to use it at a later time, but for now, I hide the layer since at the time, I don't currently need it.

I threw down the base colors. The blue is on a separate layer, above the grey.

I did the details by erasing the blue layer in the shape of roses and thorns, and changed the gem color to the same color as the background, so it didn't stand out as much anymore. I thought it looked better this way.

On the blue layer, I turned the layer effect "fringe" on. This causes it to have an outline
thanks to doing that, the blue has an outline that I don't have to draw myself, giving it some natural depth.

I shade the grey layer first
Mara has up to 4 layers of color for shading, but typically there'll be 2~3

Next, I do the same for the blue. I didn't bother making a progress of adding each color for this one since it's the exact same progress as the grey.

I did basic highlights here for the blue, before merging the blue and grey layers together for the final highlighting.

After merging the two layers, I used a luminosity layer to do the final highlighting. I don't normally do this since it gives me less control over the colors, but since this item is meant to look metallic, the harsh highlights work in its favor.

When drawing normally, I don't usually do this step, but marapets style uses white as its brightest highlights, so I add in some white in the areas that are the lightest, along with the darkest areas to make it look like there's reflected light.

Remember that pink layer I hid? I brought it back at this point and changed the color to the base color of the grey. This is a bit of a lazy way to do it, but since it's going to be resized to be so small, it doesn't REALLY matter

I turn the fringe layer on, so it has a light outline. Another way to easily outline this would to be to select the layer, increment it once, make a new layer under it, and fill it in with the lineart color you want (black in this case), but since the details are so small, using that way makes it look a little sloppy, hence using the fringe layer this time.

I did the same shading style I did as shown earlier for the vines. This is the final result before being resized.

Resized to 80x80, marapets item size!

And that's literally it. I'll probably do another tutorial later with how I do other items since this is a specific style I do for metallics.
(Yes these two are going to be mara items at some point. You guys get a lucky preview. YAYYYY)

Also here's the inspiration for the two items shown:

I was going to make the color red too, but I thought it would look more like I tried to copy it, instead of taking inspiration from it. Inspiration vs copying is a slippery slope ):
They really do look so much better in red though;

Very pretty, first off.
Also, I have been wanting tutorials by you for sooooo long, lol.
Thanks for this! I might try it in photo shop at some point...or actually finally just try SAI. It's confusing to me.
19 years, 9 months & 16 days ago 6th May 2015 14:15
19 years, 9 months & 16 days ago 6th May 2015 05:56
thank you!!

It is a shame that a lot of detail is lost when resizing for sure :c , but I think it's better to add the details even if they'll be lost, since it gives the final item some nice looks!
19 years, 9 months & 16 days ago 6th May 2015 04:50
looove it, such a pretty item! It's a shame that all that detail gets lost when resized, I wish that when we opened the image in a new tab it'd automatically show the bigger sized one

19 years, 9 months & 16 days ago 6th May 2015 04:47
@Rob- Thank you very much!!

@Rona- Ahh I appreciate the compliment! Thank you c:
19 years, 9 months & 16 days ago 6th May 2015 04:19
wow you are cool!
19 years, 9 months & 16 days ago 6th May 2015 04:16
19 years, 9 months & 16 days ago 6th May 2015 04:11
@Zha- Thank you~! I thought it would be nice to make one, and it wasn't too bad to do! (Though the time wasted saving all the images is disappointing since I like to work fast LOL)
19 years, 9 months & 16 days ago 6th May 2015 03:55
Great tutorial Enki!!!
19 years, 9 months & 16 days ago 6th May 2015 03:51
  1. {[Item Progress/Tutorial [1] ]}
    6th May 2015 03:13
    9 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
  2. .
    12th Nov 2013 20:30
    11 years, 3 months & 8 days ago
  3. {[Free Glitter Marapets]}
    23rd Jun 2013 12:48
    11 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
  4. Blog #364931
    12th Dec 2012 13:45
    12 years, 2 months & 9 days ago