Elger Quest Runs
9 years, 8 months & 16 days ago
28th Apr 2015 21:44 I've never really done "runs" before, but a lot of people did it so I thought I'd test out my luck !
If I was able to, I bought from shops/looked through my attic.
This run took me about 15 minutes to complete.
RUN 1Start MP: 200,000
End MP: 9,465
Crystals Gained: 104
104 * 7,000MP ( approximate value ) : 728,000
728,000 - 190,535 ( MP used ) : 537,465
Profit : 537,465 MP RUN 2Start MP: 200,000
End MP: 4,477
Crystals Gained: 64
64 * 7,000MP ( approximate value ) : 448,000
448,000 - 195,523 : 252,477
Profit : 252,477 RUN 3Start MP: 200,000
End MP: 6,768
Crystals Gained: 116
116 * 7,000MP ( approximate value ) : 812,000
812,000 - 193,232 : 618,678
Profit : 618,678 RUN 4Start MP: 200,000
End MP: 3,317
Crystals Gained: 116
116 * 7,000 ( approximate value ) : 812,000
812,000 - 196,683 : 615,317
Profit : 615,317RUN 5Start MP: 200,000
End MP: 103,276
Crystals Gained: 80
80 * 7,000 ( approximate value ) : 560,000
560,000 - 96,724 : 463,276
Profit: 463,276. LOL.