Game/Existing Fictional Works' RPs Dying?
9 years, 11 months & 7 days ago
7th Feb 2015 16:56 It seems to be just me, but I can never seem to catch roleplays with the settings of specific games anymore- and when I start one myself, there's heavy disinterest in it. It could also be because I /normally/ lack idea for plot and usually just have vague or no setting to work with, but I don't think this alone is just the case.
Don't get me wrong, I'm super proud of seeing Mara's users growing and branching out in general for roleplays unburdened by limitations franchise-rp could potentially set- but for me it all seems to be recycled themes and it's getting quite bland. And then some cases there are the rare gems of interesting plots- but I seem to have no drive to pursue them anymore?
I'm not sure, the decline in motivation is my own fault I know for sure- but it's also tricky, since I really have a bad itch for roleplaying and had at least some slim ideas for such. I've been hesitant to give it a whirl from knowing a while how the things it's based around are seldom given any attention.
The world (let alone the whole of Marada) cannot revolve around me, so I've decided not to push- but I still am trying to grasp what exactly makes franchise-rp no longer appealing to others, considering I have been unable to find anyone who's pretty much on the same page.
Speaking of pages, I remember my sister was also once told (or suggested) that her roleplay (from being centered around her favorite game) should have been in the basic roleplaying forum, when her skill with wriiting itself had surpassed that forum and she was probably seeking more experienced people? It was not staff, nor would I name since that would be rude of me- but it was a user very known on the forums, and we both can't seem to understand what different it would have been in basic if these particular roleplays have been shoved under the rug in the past years.
I'm not sure, does anyone else have any thoughts regarding this? Or understand where I'm coming from? I have had such fond memories of Mara, I've been playing since '06- it just seems to suddenly be draining for me, my good buddies have moved on from this site, and some I failed to keep contact with and wonder how they are doing- I think fondly of the times we've had and hoped to make new ones, but it doesn't seem very possible today.
Or maybe I'm just having another one of those days, so pardon my rambling.