I'll sometimes come here and then like... immediately switch tabs so uhh.. I'm here but I'm not
...sorry 'bout that...
Hey there!
If you need help with anything, just mail me and I'll do what I can! Keep in mind though that I can't always guarantee I will respond quickly. I get distracted easily...
If you've offered on one of my trades and haven't heard a response in about a day, please MM/MT me! I often get sidetracked and then proceed to forget about whatever it may have been that I was doing (looking at trades, doing a quest, I'm really terrible at the sometimes)
No, my pets aren't for sale/trade. Please don't mail me about it
Uhh so first things first: I'm usually online at home on my desktop, but sometimes I'm on my phone or at my dads or really just whatever pc I'm near so like... i hope that's okay oops
second I've been here since 2006 and I'm an adult player that likes to play here instead of do responsible adult things (not that i know what those are tbh)
I'm not trading my pets and while I might lend them, the one you probably want is stuck in a temple so uhhh sorry dude
If we talk then I'll friend you/temporarily allow requests but if not then sorry i don't want any random friends, i already have a bunch of friends like that irl so like no...
I don't want to join your club, i'm already in one that i lowkey didn't even want but now is like part of the reason i come online so
i guess what I'm saying is thanks but i'm set
I am friendly (on here at least) but just forgetful so like if you want a fast response, MT don't MM. I'll try and help if i can
While i do draw, i probably don't want to unless i said i'd trade with you or like it's a present cause man i'm sick of feeling ripped off
that took me like 5hrs minimum and you gave me 500k
thats like 80 cents canadian
i can make more money picking up pennies on the sidewalk so uhhh no i'm probably not drawing anything
ps i'm full of fun inconsistencies like I'm and i'm
i tried
So I'm trying my hand at adoptables, but since it's me i can't do anything simple. I'll explain more in a forum post that I will hopefully link here (I might forget, I'm terrible with that) but pretty much I wanted to make something where you can customize the face as well as the animal and the colour. Oh and BG. It's all now just colouring (maybe some line edits, they aren't completely finished yet but mostly). But yea! The emotions, BG options, and animals are below so check it out and let me know http://www.marapets.com/topics.php?id=2487423&fid=15
I'm officially doing these! Or at least the Dragon. So MM/MM/comment/Check out my latest forum! I'm sorry if you wanted something other than the dragon, but I don't have the time to edit the other ones. I have to pack and making happy/sad/etc dragons is all the procrastinating I will allow myself.
LATEST FORUM http://www.marapets.com/topics.php?id=2487467&fid=15
Also as far as prices go, I don't really know what to price this as. So I'm letting you guys pick. If you're like me and don't know what to price, the two I've done got me *around 100k for a full colouring* and *around 50k for recolouring the eyes and face, but keeping the same colour scheme as the dragon below*. So yea. Depending on how much I end up doing, more MP I guess? Either way, I like MP so whatever works for you is good with me
UNIMPRESSED DRAGON *Please note, there is a Luminosity layer on top, so the colors in this one aren't completely true to themselves... Yea* [img]http://i.imgur.com/5rLJNvq.png[/img]
Dragons eyes behind the UNIMPRESSED face [img]http://i.imgur.com/jqHRNIE.png[/img]
Animals available Bunny Dog (2 styles) Cat Dragon Squirrel
Emotions/Faces available Angry Happy Sad Unimpressed Embarrassed
Backgrounds available 1 Solid colour Transparent Sunset/rise Night Day
The forum for orders (I'm not taking any at the moment unless otherwise stated, I have a lot of editing to do still. Sorry! ) *I can do other faces/emotions. They don't take much time, so the 5 are just kind of suggestions *The eyes are part of the animal, not the emotion *Transparent BG is an option, though it is a hassle so I'd rather not aha *Some examples of details I can add include: -wings (excluding the dragon) -glow effect -hats -claws -most anything really
*If you don't get what I mean, check the squirrel. The creamy colour would be a secondary colour **If you go for the Unimpressed look (or even just the eyes from that), the eye colour won't change. Sorry! ***If you leave a space blank but gave me the Main colour, I'll just pick something from the same colour family, so it won't look too weird
They seem to be the favorite right now, and I'm totally okay with that, they're my fave too
19 years, 10 months & 15 days ago 4th Jan 2015 21:22
the dragons are so cool
19 years, 10 months & 15 days ago 4th Jan 2015 21:18