Finally Getting into Mara!
10 years, 4 months & 27 days ago
20th Aug 2014 11:27 I joined Marapets on December 5, 2012 as a referral from my close friend, jakmaggai. Hard to believe it was that long ago! We had known each other for almost a year at that point.
Marapets was really confusing to me then. I simply didn't know where to start.
I tried to get into it once or twice since then, but really couldn't. It helped once when Jak gave me a bear suit! c: I do like my doll better now.
Finally, the new art pulled me in and I've been playing for about a week now, every day, whenever I have free time xD It really helped to break some stuff down when I found each world's goals, and the dailies as well. (The new layout makes things much easier!!!)
I'm still learning things, of course, and I already have some ambitious goals.
Lookout Mara, here I come~!