Matt's League endeavors
10 years, 9 months & 20 days ago
25th Mar 2014 18:55 "I hate Renekton because i hate squishies"
"Use Amumu's Q for poke"
i forgot that its right click to move and i died to a turret mashing left click
what is wrong with me"
"What if you went AP against Galio"
"how do i use passive"
"See notes
Schlemiel edge that I'm right"
-Honorable mention by Goldcard-
"sky is black and I hate black people"
"the only minorities we allow in this club is black people and asians"
-Saving because l o friken l-
"So we're 0-2 right and leona says
"If any of you die again i'm afking"
and she was serious
we ended the game 18-2. Nobody died after she said that.
I couldn't make this up if i tried, laughing my friken butt off"