Starting Stats:
KK Quests-5421
SS Quests-2840
BP-2,364,980 BP
End Date: 18 January 2014
Ending Stats:
KK Quests-5888
SS Quests-3398
BP-2,815,321 BP
Days Elapsed: 9
Total KK Quests: 467
Total SS Quests: 558
Total Quests: 1025
Total BP Gained: 450341
Diamonds/Day: 111.11
Diamonds/Quest: 0.9756
BP/Diamond: 450.34
I have data crunched from my other trial, gigi. It's a little off because i lost track of diamonds and also did a little battling for the rusty avatar, but it's pretty interesting.
110 years, 11 months & 18 days ago 9th Jan 2014 23:08
good idea! i would be so curious
110 years, 11 months & 18 days ago 9th Jan 2014 17:56