Colour Concoctions
11 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
11th Dec 2013 23:41 Akemis the Zombie Sindi
1. Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
2. Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
3. Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
4. Your pet was caught and has been arrested.
You will need to go to the City's Prison to release your pet.
Thank you to Farlie for the concoction!
5. Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
6. Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
7. Your pet changed colour to a rainbow Sindi.
Byun the Yellow Mordo
1. Byun is no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
2. Byun is no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
3. Byun is no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
4. Byun is no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
5. Byun changed colour to Brown Mordo
6. Byun is no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
7. Byun is no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
8. Byun is no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!