Pet Goals/Plans
11 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
23rd Oct 2013 15:33 Alright, time to sort out and write down my ideas before I forget things.
This is in order of how I'd like to accomplish them. Even though if I get a minipet figaro before my sindi becomes baby, that would be awesome. xD
*Get a sindi [x] (Whoo! <3)
*Temple said sindi baby []
*Trade for a r/n and rename sindi []
*Get a minipet figaro []
*Swap it's name with Kerrie's []
*Make Deserted a hobo chibs []
*Rofling []
*Toddler basil []
Nice going, Sam.
Way to keep it simple. I set way too many goals at once and it's fustrating. xD Hopefully the EPM/RPM will be kind and help me with funding.
Other goals:
*Hold pet giveaway []
*Stat Aldra more []