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  1. about me ~~~
    23rd Aug 2013 08:06
    11 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
  2. nts
    14th Apr 2013 09:35
    11 years, 5 months & 21 days ago
about me ~~~
11 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
23rd Aug 2013 08:06

idk i felt like doing this because i'm bored



001. What is Your Name?: Lauren

002. How old are you?: old enough

003. Where are you from?: UK


004. What is your height?: idk

005. Do you have any siblings? yeh

006. What is your eye colour?: a mix of green, grey & blue

007. What is your hair colour?: blue but it's fading back to blonde

008. Do you wear glasses or contacts?: nope

009. Are you right handed or left handed?: left

010. Do you have any piercings?: yeah, 7

011. Do you smoke?: not anymore

012. Do you swear?: yeah

013. Do you get along with your parents?: not really #rebel

014. Your nationality: english

015. Your fears: spiders, things with weird textures, can't think of anymore

016. Goal you would like to achieve this year: do well

017. Most overused phrase on an instant messenger: idk

018. Best Physical Feature: my eyes

019. Your bedtime: like 11:30 or around that time

020. What time do you arise in the morning?: 6:35

021. First thoughts waking up?: food

022. Do you shower daily?: obvs

This Or That?

023. Bright or dark room?: dark

024. Chocolate or vanilla?: chocolate

025. Dogs or cats?: cats

026. Pepsi or Coke?: coke

027. McDonalds or Burger King?: mcdonalds

028. Ant or Dec?: ant

029. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?: ice tea

030. Cappuccino or Coffee?: neither

In the last month have you...

031. Drank alcohol?: nope

032. Gone to a mall?: yeah

033. Eaten a box of Oreos?: does a packet count?

034. Eaten sushi?: no

035. Been on stage?: no

036. Been dumped?: no

037. Gone skinny dipping?: no

038. Stolen Anything?: no

Have you ever...

039. Laughed for no reason?: yh

040. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?: yh

041. Been in love?: um kind of idk

042. Fired a gun?: no

043. Been drunk?: no

044. Been called a Tease?: no

045. Been beaten up?: no

046. Shoplifted?: no

What was the last...

047. Furry thing you touched?: i think we all know the answer to that one

048. Thing you've said?: 'bye'

049. Song you've listened to?: bfmv // tears dont fall

050. Who was the last person you've spoken to on the phone?: aimee

051. Movie you watched?: kick-a$$ 2 {dollar signs just in case anyone gets butthurt}

052. Thing you were doing before this?: idk

053. Time you cried?: can't remember

054. Song you've sang?: idk

055. Time you looked at the clock?: 15:45

056. Food and drink you've had?: food - chicken nuggets lmao drink - idk

057. Flavour of gum you've chewed?: erm peppermint i think

058. Shoes you've worn?: creepers

059. Store you've been in?: cant remember


060. Planet?: don't have one

061. Age you've been so far?: like 9

062. Season?: spring

063. Number?: 14

064. TV show?: can't remember

065. Flower?: rose


066. How much cash do you have on you?: idk

067. What's a word that rhymes with 'door'?: law

068. What T-shirt are you wearing?: random topshop vest top thing

069. What brand of shoes are you wearing?: not wearing any

070. What did your last text message say?: 'I've literally fallen in love like 63 times since I got here I

Don't look at me' idek

071. What were you doing at midnight last night?: marapetssszzz

072. What's your current desktop picture?: basic windows one

073. What's a word that you say a lot?: no

074. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?: blue

075. How is the weather right now?: warm

076. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: hair n face

077. Are you too shy to ask someone out?: idk

078. Can you do a headstand (without using a wall)?: dunno

079. Who would you like to see right now?: idk

080. How many pillows do you sleep with?: 2

081. Would you go on a date with someone online: dunno

082. How do you want to die?: of old age

083. What do you want to be when you grow up?: graphic designer / hairdresser

084. What country would you most like to visit?: Egypt/California

085. How many CDs do you own?: dunno

086. How many things in your past, do you regret?: quite a bit

087. Do you think you are attractive?: lolno

088. Do you believe in yourself?: ...............

089. Do you want to get married?: yes

In a boy/girl...

090. Favourite eye colour?: not fussed

091. Favourite hair colour?: brown

092. Short or long hair?: whatever floats your boat

093. Height?: taller than me

094. Weight?: idk

111 years, 1 month & 11 days ago 23rd Aug 2013 10:35
111 years, 1 month & 11 days ago 23rd Aug 2013 08:15
  1. about me ~~~
    23rd Aug 2013 08:06
    11 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
  2. nts
    14th Apr 2013 09:35
    11 years, 5 months & 21 days ago