1000 plushie machine results
11 years, 5 months & 26 days ago
2nd Jul 2013 09:53 I've been keeping a spreadsheet of all my results on both plushie machines and figured at least one or two people might be interested in the results, now that I've reached an even 1000 results on both. I do them both at the same time, always choose the same direction (About 100 attempts I moved left for both, but for all the other results, I've moved up.)
Here are the totals..
Dropped plushies:
regular machine - 256 dropped plushies
enchanted machine - 172 dropped plushies
Unenchanted plushies:
regular machine - 348 unenchanted plushies
enchanted machine - 317 unenchanted plushies
regular machine - 343 mp prizes (totaling 52,283mp)
enchanted machine - 457 mp prizes (totaling 337,502mp; 13 of the results were over 1,000mp with the highest being 28,722)
and finally, Enchanted plushies:
regular machine - 53 enchanted plushies
enchanted machine - 54 enchanted plushies (1 of which was LE)