Costume Giveaway Application
11 years, 6 months & 25 days ago
20th Jun 2013 12:43 Well, I've been on Mara for about... forever? I joined in 2005, so I guess it's been 8 years and a few months now. Yes, I know. I'm quite an old geezer. Anyway, I haven't been active for the entire time--life does have a nasty tendency to interfere with things. Anyway, enough about me. Onto the application!
My dream costume would be a Valentine costume. Can you guess who I'd use it on? I bet you can! If not, I'd be using it on my wonderful chibs Valentine. Technically valentine, but eventually I'll get around to getting a certificate so I can make it capital. How adorable would that be? Valentine the Valentine chibs! *squee* Plus, she's my only uncostumed chibs, so she's feeling a bit left out. xD
Well, here's where I would put some fancy picture of just how cute she would look if I could. But, I'm notoriously terrible with coding and graphics and I may just manage to destroy all of Marada if I tried. You don't want that, do you? So let's just use our imaginations and pretend there's something pretty, pink, and sparkly here. 'Kay?
I'd considered asking for a musical costume for Piangi. Please tell me you know why! Please, please, please! Restore my faith in humanity! *coughCHARACTERINPHANTOMOFTHEOPERAcough*. But then I realized that would be stupid, because all music pets have microphones or otherwise look like rockers. So I guess poor Piangi will have to go uncostumed until mara comes up with a more suitable Opera costume. Though, I cringe at the thought. Don't like the "fat opera singer" image. Nope. Being a private music teacher and aspiring opera singer myself, definitely do not approve.
Not that that's relevant, but it's a reason I'm seeking to costume Valentine instead of another uncostumed pet. Plus, she's one of the favorite children. The chibs are definitely the favorite children and all other pets just have to deal with it. xD
Thanks for reading!