UPDATE! new flavours now available! check the menu! [img]http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb472/ZeffTheLobster/VANFINAL_zps568845d9.gif?t=1370729140[/img] Hello and welcome to the debut of Superscoop, Mayo and myself's pixel ice cream parlour! we've been working really really hard on this, so we hope you like it! come in, take a seat! -passes you a menu- [img]http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb472/ZeffTheLobster/SuperscoopMenu_zps0895f46f.png?t=1370789212[/img]
Base price - 25,000mp (one ball of ice cream with container) additional scoop - 5,000mp each (maximum of three) sauce/decorations - 2,000mp each
also, to any customers spending over 50k, you are eligible to claim this gorgeous button! [img]http://i43.tinypic.com/33thv5y.gif[/img] >u< <3
???Order Form;;???
Container: Ball one (bottom): Ball two (middle): Ball three (top): Toppings:
???Example;;??? do not use this! it is just an example! [img]http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb472/ZeffTheLobster/ENKI2_zps80e0c736.png?t=1370728058[/img]
Thank you for visiting! please boost since you're here >u< [/center]
Oh these are just so cute!
Container: Glass Ball one (bottom): Bubblegum Ball two (middle): Strawberry Ball three (top): Bubblegum Toppings: Chocolate sauce, Chocolate straws, Cherry.