~Sang~//Slowing my Roll.
11 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
2nd Jun 2013 19:58 If you notice me not being very involved in the forums anymore, especially in AF, it's not because I want to leave. It's because I have to leave. It's no longer fun for e to be on the forums, especially in AF, what with all the drama and unnecessary rudeness coming from certain members within AF. This gives me time to focus on my health, which has been crap really, and also focusing on hopefully getting a much better paying job, focusing on RL relationships with people, and maybe doing missions and questing and such.
It's a sad day when a bunch of your good friends decided to revoke access to a forum that once was so much fun, and to see them getting hurt in the process sickens me. I'm going to just try and lurk the forums, and not post so much, until something has been decided. If nothing has been in a few weeks, I'm revoking my access too. It's just gotten to be floofing ridiculous, and there is no need for it.
My friends don't deserve to be brought to tears, to be sick because of the nastiness in some forums, and they certainly don't deserve to be made to feel badly because of anything... I won't get much more into it, but just letting ya'll know.
I'm cooling my grits for the time being.