Please note: Kezlian, Kerika and Kezlow are never for trade
Hi staff. I would just like you guys to know that we have 4-5 family members playing marapets on this computer. my brother and sister and my nieces. I can only remember my sister and my niece user name off my head..Sahirad22 and rezgirl. I was told to list them here so that you guys can know. I also have a few persons who are helping me out on trotters dvd pets are going back and forth ...I do pay a tip every it is not for free but it is worth it...Trotters is really hard with those DVDs
Advent Tree Lolly
Ancient Bread
Angelwing Butterfly
Autumn Pearl
Bankrupt Pearl
Bat Cupcake
Bat Pearl
Battle Gumball
Bed Bug
Bee Pearl
Bee Potato
Black Blood
Black DNA
Black Widow
Blood Sausages
Blue Blood
Blue DNA
Blue Heart Lolly
Blue Heart Macaroon
Blue Osafo Marshmallow
Bone Potato
Broken Candycane
Broken Egg Pearl
Brown DNA
Calico Gumball
Can of SPAM
Cheese Gumball
Chocolate Cream Easter Egg
Chocolate Heart Lolly
Chocolate Island Truffle
Chocolate Pearl
Chocolate Scorpion
Check Price
Chocolate Strawberry Easter Egg
Christmas 2011 Dinner
Christmas Pretzel
Christmas Tree Potato
Cinnabar Caterpillar
Cola Potato
Corned Beef and Vegetables
Cotton Candy Gumball
Crane Fly
Creamy Leek Soup
Crikey Dip
Dakota Foot
Dark Chocolate Easter Egg
Dark Fairy Potato
Dark Side Pearl
Digital Fairy Pearl
Digital Potato
Dirt Muffin
Duck with Sauce
Dukka Caves Pearl
Dung Beetle
Earth Fairy Pearl
Easter Potato
Eleka Horns
Elekas Castle Pearl
Empty Plate
Endangered Fish
Equilor Dip
Ercuw Dip
Experimental Potato
Garden Cake
Genie Potato
Giant Poinsettia
Giant Salad Bowl
Gingerbread Pearl
Gnome Potato
Goblin Pearl
Grass Hopper
Green Blood
Green DNA
Green Heart Macaroon
Grey Blood
Grey DNA
Grint Dip
Gypsy Caterpillar
Obese Pearl
Oglue Dip
Old Fairy Pearl
Olympics Pearl
One Hundred Cake
Orange Blood
Orange Chocolate Crindol
Orange Chocolate Easter Egg
Orange Chocolate Flab
Orange Chocolate Sybri
Orange DNA
Orange Heart Macaroon
Osafo Dip
Painted Lady Butterfly
Peach Gumball
Peanut Butter Chocolate
Phanty Dip
Pink Blood
Pink DNA
Pink Heart Macaroon
Pink Osafo Marshmallow
Plushie Pearl
Poera Dip
Poison Berry Pie
Poop Cup Cake
Possessed Gumball
Possessed Potato
Potato Beetle
Praying Mantis
Princess Tea
Puchalla Potato
Puchalla Village Gumball
Puchalla Village Pearl
Pucu Dip
Pumpkin Pancakes
Pumpkin Potato
Pumpkin Shake
Purple Blood
Purple DNA
Purple Heart Macaroon
Queen Eleka Gumball
Queen Eleka Pearl
Quell Dip
Radioactive Potato
Rainbow Fairy Gumball
Rainbow Fairy Pearl
Rainbow Fairy Potato
Rainbow Heart Lolly
Rainbow Pizza
Rainbow Smoothie
Rainbow Toast
Recycled Cake Crumbs
Recycled Pear
Recycled Potato
Red Blood
Red Cabbage
Red Heart Macaroon
Reese Dip
Renat Dip
Roast Pork
Rofling Dip
Rudolf Candy Dispenser
Rusty Dip
Rusty Drool
Seasonal Potato
Sewage Chocolate
Simeria Gumball
Simeria Pearl
Simerian Pearl
Simerian Potato
Sindi Dip
Skater Pearl
Slater Park Pearl
Slice of Yule Log
Smores Candy Apple
Smuggler Pearl
Snowman Gumball
Snowman Pearl
Space Fairy Pearl
Spaghetti Bolognese
Spaghetti and Meatballs
Splatter Gumball
Spy Pearl
Stale Crouton
Steak and Kidney Pie
Stormy Potato
Sultan Pearl
Sultan Potato
Super Sized Cotton Candy
Sybri Dip
Tantua Dip
Tasi Dip
Thanksgiving Pearl
Tiger Beetle
Traditional Yule Log
Turkey Dinner
Underwater Pearl
Underwater Potato
Undying Fairy Pearl
Undying Festival Pearl
Ushunda Tentacle
Vacation Gumball
Vacation Pearl
Valentines Day Chocolates
Vampire Potato
Viotto Dip
Vixen Dip
Volcanic Drink
Walee Dip
Warm Chocolate Chip Cookies
Water Boatman
Watermelon Gumball
Wedding Cake
Wedding Pearl
Wedding Potato
White Blood
White Chocolate Crindol
White Chocolate Flab
White DNA
White Flower Bouquet
Willa Dip
Wooly Bear Caterpillar
Xoi Dip
Yakubi Dip
Yellow Blood
Yellow DNA
Yellow Flower Bouquet
Black Basil
Black Crikey
Black Daisy
Black Dakota
Black Echlin
Black Ercuw
Black Gizmo
Black Ike
Black Justin
Black Kujo
Black Lati
Black Mordo
Black Nino
Black Oglue
Black Pucu
Black Rofling
Black Rusty
Black Sindi
Black Snookle
Black Sybri
Black Tasi
Black Viotto
Black Vixen
Black Willa
Black Zoink
Blitzen Chibs
Blitzen Figaro
Blitzen Snookle
Blitzen Vixen
Blitzen Xoi
Blue Basil
Blue Crikey
Blue Dakota
Blue Figaro
Blue Gizmo
Blue Ike
Blue Kronk
Blue Kujo
Blue Lati
Blue Oglue
Blue Phanty
Blue Pucu
Blue Quell
Blue Reese
Blue Rofling
Blue Sybri
Blue Tantua
Blue Tasi
Blue Troit
Blue Viotto
Blue Yuni
Brown Chibs
Brown Daisy
Brown Doyle
Brown Figaro
Brown Flab
Brown Gobble
Brown Justin
Brown Oglue
Brown Rofling
Brown Rusty
Brown Sindi
Brown Tasi
Brown Viotto
Brown Willa
Brown Zoosh
Green Basil
Green Chibs
Green Crikey
Green Dakota
Green Ercuw
Green Figaro
Green Gobble
Green Grint
Green Hump
Green Ike
Green Justin
Green Kronk
Green Kujo
Green Lati
Green Nino
Green Pucu
Green Quell
Green Rofling
Green Rusty
Green Snookle
Green Sybri
Green Tasi
Green Troit
Green Viotto
Green Xoi
Green Yuni
Red Arinya
Red Chibs
Red Crikey
Red Dakota
Red Figaro
Red Gizmo
Red Gobble
Red Hump
Red Huthiq
Red Ike
Red Justin
Red Kronk
Red Kujo
Red Lati
Red Nino
Red Osafo
Red Poera
Red Pucu
Red Quell
Red Rofling
Red Sindi
Red Snookle
Red Sybri
Red Tasi
Red Troit
Red Viotto
Red Vixen
Red Xoi
Red Yuni
Red Zoink
White Arinya
White Basil
White Chibs
White Daisy
White Dakota
White Echlin
White Fasoro
White Figaro
White Gizmo
White Gobble
White Hump
White Ideus
White Jessup
White Justin
White Kidlet
White Kujo
White Lati
White Nino
White Oglue
White Phanty
White Pucu
White Quell
White Rofling
White Rusty
White Sindi
White Snookle
White Sybri
White Tasi
White Vixen
White Zoink
Balloon Lati Photo
Balloon Pucu Photo
Balloon Vixen Photo
Bee Basil Photo
Bee Tasi Photo
Black Arinya Photo
Black Basil Photo
Black Crikey Photo
Black Dakota Photo
Black Echlin Photo
Black Gizmo Photo
Black Hump Photo
Black Ike Photo
Black Justin Photo
Black Kujo Photo
Black Lati Photo
Black Nino Photo
Black Phanty Photo
Black Pucu Photo
Black Rofling Photo
Black Rusty Photo
Black Sindi Photo
Black Snookle Photo
Black Sybri Photo
Black Tasi Photo
Black Vixen Photo
Black Willa Photo
Blue Arinya Photo
Blue Basil Photo
Blue Crikey Photo
Blue Ercuw Photo
Blue Figaro Photo
Blue Gizmo Photo
Blue Gobble Photo
Blue Hump Photo
Blue Ike Photo
Blue Justin Photo
Blue Kronk Photo
Blue Kujo Photo
Blue Lati Photo
Blue Nino Photo
Blue Oglue Photo
Blue Pucu Photo
Blue Quell Photo
Blue Rofling Photo
Blue Sindi Photo
Blue Tasi Photo
Blue Viotto Photo
Blue Vixen Photo
Blue Willa Photo
Blue Zoink Photo
Green Basil Photo
Green Crikey Photo
Green Dakota Photo
Green Figaro Photo
Green Gizmo Photo
Green Gobble Photo
Green Huthiq Photo
Green Justin Photo
Green Kujo Photo
Green Lati Photo
Green Mordo Photo
Green Nino Photo
Green Oglue Photo
Green Pucu Photo
Green Quell Photo
Green Rofling Photo
Green Rusty Photo
Green Sindi Photo
Green Snookle Photo
Green Sybri Photo
Green Tasi Photo
Green Viotto Photo
Green Vixen Photo
Green Willa Photo
Green Yuni Photo
Green Zoink Photo
Red Arinya Photo
Red Crikey Photo
Red Dakota Photo
Red Ercuw Photo
Red Gizmo Photo
Red Gobble Photo
Red Ike Photo
Red Justin Photo
Red Kronk Photo
Red Kujo Photo
Red Lati Photo
Red Mordo Photo
Red Nino Photo
Red Quell Photo
Red Rusty Photo
Red Sindi Photo
Red Snookle Photo
Red Sybri Photo
Red Tasi Photo
Red Troit Photo
Red Willa Photo
Red Yuni Photo
Robot Basil Photo
Robot Poera Photo
Rotten Willa Photo
Royal Echlin Photo
Royal Ercuw Photo
Royal Justin Photo
School Chibs Photo
School Mordo Photo
School Quell Photo
School Snookle Photo
White Arinya Photo
White Chibs Photo
White Crikey Photo
White Dakota Photo
White Doyle Photo
White Echlin Photo
White Gobble Photo
White Hump Photo
White Ike Photo
White Justin Photo
White Kronk Photo
White Kujo Photo
White Pucu Photo
White Quell Photo
White Sindi Photo
White Snookle Photo
White Sybri Photo
White Tasi Photo
White Willa Photo
White Zoink Photo
*****Candy Items
Christmas Candycanes
Green Gummy Crindol
Green Gummy Daisy
Green Gummy Dakota
Green Gummy Ercuw
Green Gummy Kidlet
Green Gummy Snookle
Orange Gummy Crindol
Orange Gummy Daisy
Orange Gummy Dakota
Orange Gummy Ercuw
Orange Gummy Kidlet
Orange Gummy Snookle
Pink Heart Lolly
Red Gummy Crindol
Red Gummy Daisy
Red Gummy Dakota
Red Gummy Ercuw
Red Gummy Snookle
Red Gummy Xoi
Yellow Gummy Crindol
Yellow Gummy Daisy
Yellow Gummy Dakota
Yellow Gummy Ercuw
Yellow Gummy Kidlet
Yellow Gummy Renat
Yellow Gummy Snookle
*****Canned Food Items
Can of Apples
Can of Asparagus
Can of Blue Radish
Can of Bones
Can of Carrots
Can of Chicken Wings
Can of Eggs
Can of Fish
Can of Fish Eyes
Can of Grapes
Can of Onions
Can of Peach
Can of Pear
Can of Peas
Can of Pickled Eggs
Can of Roses
Can of Sand
Can of Snakes
Can of Tomatoes
********Chocolate Items
Chocolate Cherry
Chocolate Clover
Chocolate Dip
Chocolate Drops
Chocolate Ghost
Chocolate Mallow Kisses
Chocolate Marshmallow
Chocolate Pear
Chocolate Sticks
Chocolate Strawberry Parfait
Chocolate Strawberry Treats
Chocolate Truffles
Dark Chocolate Christmas Tree
Gift Wrapped Chocolate Pumpkins
Milk Chocolate Christmas Tree
Milk Chocolate Xoi
Orange Chocolate Bolimo
Valentine Chocolates Gift
Valentine Truffles
White Chocolate Christmas Tree
*****Cooking Ingredients Items
Eleka Teeth
Horn of Black Jessup
Leido Shell
Newth Flippers
Tail of Blue Poera
Tail of Halloween Fasoro
Wing of Light Ercuw
Wing of Radioactive Doyle
*****Diner Items
Bugs and Crackers
Chocolate Cream
Chocolate Mousse
Fried Breakfast
Ham Roast Dinner
Squid Soup
*******Gourmet Meat Items
Beef Ribs
Beef Steak
Beef Strip Loin
Chicken with Shallots
Moldy Turkey
Octopus with Apple
Pork Leg
Pork Spare Ribs
Smoked Ham
Stuffed Turkey
Turkey with Potato
*******Gourmet Mutant Food
Bitten Moldy Bread
Bone Roll
Branch Salad
Bug Candy
Can Bread Pudding
Fish and Onions
Fried Slug
Glass Donut
Old Boot with Cream
Rotten Apple Soup
Rotten Onion Soup
Seaweed Lamb
Sewage Spaghetti
Smelly Socks Cake
Spaghetti Cream Puff
Tentacle Hors Doeuvres
********Gumball Items
Almond Gumball
Apple Gumball
Banana Gumball
Black Gumball
Burnt Gumball
Chocolate Chip Gumball
Cola Gumball
Dark Chocolate Gumball
Devil Gumball
Digital Gumball
Festival Gumball
Flowery Gumball
Glowing Gumball
Gold Gumball
Haunted Gumball
Heart Gumball
Icy Gumball
Invisible Gumball
Mint Chocolate Gumball
Mint Gumball
Mouldy Gumball
Multi-Coloured Gumball
Pear Gumball
Pumpkin Gumball
Purple Gumball
Sewer Gumball
Silver Gumball
Smiley Gumball
Snowy Gumball
Spotted Gumball
Strawberry Gumball
Ugly Teeth Gumball
Water Gumball
White Chocolate Gumball
White Gumball
Wooden Gumball
**********Halloween Treat Items
Bitten Pumpkin
Blood Pudding
Cracked Pumpkin
Elger Candy Dispenser
Eye a la Ghost
Fruit Salad Pumpkin
Ghost Candy Dispenser
Gooey Brains
Hairy Pumpkin
Pickled Bat Wing
Pumpkin Apple
Pumpkin Liquorice
Pumpkin Soup
Pumpkins Lolly
Rat Tail
Skull Cake
Skull Muffins
Sliced Maggots
Smashed Pumpkin
Spider Muffins
Sugar Free Pumpkins Lolly
Wrapped Pumpkin Lolly
Anime Potato
Bat Potato
Bone Potato
Christmas Potato
Christmas Tree Potato
Cola Potato
Cowboy Potato
Ghost Potato
Inside Out Potato
Pirate Potato
Pirate Mafia Potato
Polar Potato
Seasonal Potato
Sewage Potato
Sliced Potato
Sparkle Potato
Test Your Strength Potato
Trash Potato
Valentine Potato
****Minipet Food Items
Jar of Bats
Jar of Blood
Jar of Christmas Food
Jar of Data
Jar of Flowers
Jar of Mints
Jar of Mucus
Jar of Rats
Jar of Stars
Jar of Yellow Teeth
********Nuts Items
Brazil Nuts
Cashew Nuts
Macadamia Nuts
Pine Nuts
Pistachio Nuts
*******Other Items
King Baspinar Arm
King Baspinar Tail
********Pizza Items
Apple Pizza
Cucumber Pizza
Festive Pizza
One Slice of Apple Pizza
Rainbow Pizza
Spaghetti Pizza
*********Restaurant Foods
Apple Crumble
Blood Sausages
Christmas Dinner
Creamy Leek Soup
Duck with Sauce
Ice Cream and Candy
Lemon Fish Steak
Roast Pork
Spaghetti Bolognese
Spaghetti and Meatballs
Christmas Anis
Now that you're fully aware of the purpose of Musical Instruments, here's a list of every current Musical Instrument in the game, their prices, and where you can obtain them. For reference, I've also added a "Rarity Value" category as well. If the instrument is very difficult to get (from restocking), then it will say so in its Rarity Value.
??? Instrument: Accordian
Obtainable From: Princess Rapunzel's Tower ( )
Price: 35,000 BP
Rarity Value: 23 - easily obtainable; always in Rapunzel's shop. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Bagpipe
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 175MP
Rarity Value: 2 - very common in the Musical Instruments shop when someone isn't restocking. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Banjo
Obtainable From: Millionaire's Lounge ( )
Price: 1,300,000 MP
Rarity Value: 25 - easily obtainable if you're a millionaire. Not in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Bell
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 295 MP
Rarity Value: 3 - very common in the Musical Instruments shop when someone isn't restocking. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Bongos
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 321 MP
Rarity Value: 3 - very common in the Musical Instruments shop when someone isn't restocking. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Castanets
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 434 MP
Rarity Value: 4 - very common in the Musical Instruments shop when someone isn't restocking. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Cello
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 947 MP
Rarity Value: 5 - very common in the Musical Instruments shop when someone isn't restocking. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Clarinet
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 999 MP
Rarity Value: 5 - very common in the Musical Instruments shop when someone isn't restocking. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Claves
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 1,051 MP
Rarity Value: 5 - very common in the Musical Instruments shop when someone isn't restocking. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Cymbals
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 1,410 MP
Rarity Value: 6 - somewhat common in the Musical Instruments shop when someone isn't restocking. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Didgeridoo
Obtainable From: Olympic Redemption Shop ( )
Price: 375 Olympic Points
Rarity Value: 23 - easy to obtain if you have good Elite Gym trained pets. Not in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Drum
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 386 MP
Rarity Value: 4 - very common in the Musical Instruments shop when someone isn't restocking. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Electric Guitar
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 1,501 MP
Rarity Value: 4 - very common in the Musical Instruments shop when someone isn't restocking. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Erhu
Obtainable From: Desert Spy's Shop ( )
Price: 10,000 Spy Points
Rarity Value: 23 - extremely difficult to restock from the Spy shop. Not in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Flute
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 546 MP
Rarity Value: 6 - somewhat common in the Musical Instruments shop when someone isn't restocking. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: French Horn
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 1,364 MP
Rarity Value: 6 - somewhat common in the Musical Instruments shop when someone isn't restocking. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Glockenspiel
Obtainable From: Desert Spy's Shop ( )
Price: 13,000 Spy Points
Rarity Value: 25 - extremely difficult to restock from the Spy shop. Not in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Guitar
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 493 MP
Rarity Value: 5 - very common in the Musical Instruments shop when someone isn't restocking. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Harmonica
Obtainable From: Millionaire's Lounge ( )
Price: 1,400,000 MP
Rarity Value: 25 - easily obtainable if you're a millionaire. Not in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Harp
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 3,010 MP
Rarity Value: 7 - somewhat common in the Musical Instruments shop when someone isn't restocking. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Horn
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 3,029 MP
Rarity Value: 7 - somewhat common in the Musical Instruments shop when someone isn't restocking. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Jug
Obtainable From: Pirate Ship ( )
Price: 100 Dukka Coin
Rarity Value: 21 - easy if you have the right Dukka Coin. Not usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Koudi
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 4,807 MP
Rarity Value: 9 - uncommon in the Musical Instruments shop. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Lute
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 3,051 MP
Rarity Value: 7 - somewhat common in the Musical Instruments shop when someone isn't restocking. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Mandolin
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 2,205 MP
Rarity Value: 5 - very common in the Musical Instruments shop when someone isn't restocking. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Maracas
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 3,156 MP
Rarity Value: 7 - somewhat common in the Musical Instruments shop when someone isn't restocking. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Midi
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 3,879 MP
Rarity Value: 8 - uncommon in the Musical Instruments shop. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Ocarina
Obtainable From: Millionaire's Lounge ( )
Price: 1,450,000 MP
Rarity Value: 25 - easily obtainable if you're a millionaire. Not in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Panflute
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 1,665 MP
Rarity Value: 4 - very common in the Musical Instruments shop when someone isn't restocking. Usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Piano
Obtainable From: Pirate Ship ( )
Price: 150 Dukka Coin
Rarity Value: 29 - easy if you have the right Dukka Coin. Not usually in User Shops.
??? Instrument: Piccolo
Obtainable From: Musical Instruments Shop ( )
Price: 1,125 MP
Rarity Value: 3 - very common in the Musical Instruments shop when someone isn't restocking. Usually in User Shops.