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  1. ??? { idk what this is. For future use~
    21st Apr 2013 12:45
    11 years, 5 months & 14 days ago
  2. ??? { signature examples
    2nd Dec 2012 15:37
    11 years, 10 months & 1 day ago
  3. ??? { Mara Goals
    22nd Nov 2012 11:19
    11 years, 10 months & 11 days ago
  4. ??? { My Toybox
    3rd May 2012 19:55
    12 years, 5 months & 2 days ago
  5. ??? { Alyson's Guestbook!
    30th Jan 2010 00:02
    14 years, 8 months & 4 days ago
??? { idk what this is. For future use~
11 years, 5 months & 14 days ago
21st Apr 2013 12:45

[font=georgia]Table of Contents[/font]
[font=georgia]I. An Introduction
II. Why am I applying?
III. Future Plans for Jeruni
IV. Why should you pick me?
V. Closing Statements
VI. Extras[/font]


[font=arial]A NOTE BEFORE YOU READ: For the sake of everyone else's sanity, there is a tl;dr section at the end of each part of this application! I realize I can be long-winded in applications like these, so I've decided to summarize it as best as I can. These sections are marked by a [img][/img] symbol, so keep an eye out for it!

Although these sections are here for convenience, please note that my summarizations aren't true substitutes for the content! Obviously, I'd prefer it if you read this all the way through, but I realize you have a ton of other applications to look at.[/font]

[font=georgia]An Introduction[/font]

[font=arial]*sprinkles fairy dust everywhere*
SO, LIKE, THIS IS AN APPLICATION! 8D Are you dazzled yet? I feel like I only know how to start applications with the generic Oh, hey there! My name is insertnamehere and I'm applying for insertnamehere. In an attempt to keep things fresh, I probably spent a lot longer than should be healthy sitting around, contemplating what to put in an introduction that would not only get your attention, but also...not sound so boring? Well, that failed, so... enjoy these Spirited Away gifs.

[img][/img] [img][/img]
Can't go wrong with Studio Ghibli movies, espcially Spirited Away (one of my personal favorites)! I'd say we're off to a good start, yes? *ahem* When I was younger, I wished I could make nice, clean escapes like that whenever I didn't want to deal with people. I still do wish I could, if I'm honest. Haku is just so cool, ugh! But that's a rambling session for another time! Moving on...[/font]

[font=georgia]F[/font][font=arial]or starters, my name is Alyson, and I'm just your average college kid! If it's not already kind of obvious from the banner, I'm applying for the lovely Jeruni in the hopes that my daft ramblings will somehow convince you to consider me as a potential owner! I'm not the best at talking about myself, but I figured it'd be nice to give you a little bit of background info, so you know just the kind of person I am! I'm your stereotypical broke college student. I'm doing a double major in graphic design and marketing, and although marketing can get a bit boring at times (in my opinion...heh), I've always enjoyed graphic design. I love making things look nice and marketable, and although I've been working on my skills for several years now, I still have much to learn. Honestly, I don't think I'll ever stop learning! The creative process is a big journey and I feel like all artists are constantly learning and improving and changing. That's what I love so much about art and design, and I'm loving every minute of it.

I'm a little kid at heart, and I don't think that's ever going to change, but that's fine with me! I've always had an obsession with Pokemon and Studio Ghibli films, and I'll never, ever outgrow them. <3

[img][/img] tl;dr- I suck at writing introductions, my name is Alyson and I'm a twenty year old broke college student, and I'm a little kid at heart~[/font]


[font=georgia]Why am I applying?[/font]

[font=arial]...that is a very good question. Umm.[/font]

[font=georgia]T[/font][font=arial]o be completely honest with first, I had no intention of applying for any of your pets. It wasn't that your pets were hideous (quite the opposite, actually), but I felt that I wouldn't be doing anyone any favors by applying for a pet half-heartedly.

Jeruni immediately caught my eye, as I've been wanting a nicely named chibs for reasons that I will share with you later on in this application. However, I decided to hold off on typing up an application. I didn't want this to be an impulse decision, and I certainly didn't want to apply for Jeruni when there were other people who want him (and deserve him) more than I do. I wanted to make sure he'd be a permanent pet if he were to come home with me.

Well, I spent a couple of days pondering it, and I decided to give this a real shot. I'm kind of hesitant to apply for pets in general because I hate the idea of putting a lot of effort into an application for a pet that you might not even get. Maybe it's just me, but it seems to be an immense waste of time.

Coming up with applications can be tedious and time-consuming (especially if you're a perfectionist like me), but I kind of understand why some people enjoy applying for pets so much. There really is a sense of accomplishment that comes with submitting an application that you're very proud of for a pet you really want.

So, at the end of the day, Jeruni is worth it. If nothing else, I at least get to walk away with the experience to refer back to for future reference. If I'm chosen to adopt him (I can't even imagine it at the moment), I'll get to walk away not only with the experience, but also with a new permanent member of my ever-growing Marafamily.

[img][/img] tl;dr- I'm applying for Jeruni because, after much contemplation, I've realized that this is a pet that I really do want and I know I'll be able to give him the kind of home he deserves. I don't apply for pets half-heartedly.[/font]


[font=georgia]Future Plans for Jeruni[/font]
[font=georgia]I HAVE QUITE A BIT IN STORE FOR HIM[/font]

[font=georgia]F[/font][font=arial]irst and foremost, I'm applying for Jeruni with every intention of recostuming him. Chibs are one of my favorite Limited Edition pets (always have been, and always will be), and if I could, I'd own every single costume available. However, the chibs that really clicks with me is, without a doubt, the ice cream chibs.

These guys are so cute!

Ever since the ice cream AU was released, I had to have an ice cream pet. I have the costume sitting in my gallery, and I always knew I'd use it on a chibs, but for one reason or another, I was never able to obtain a chibs to costume. True, I do have a couple of chibs in my Marafamily already, but I'm perfectly happy with the costumes they're wearing and I can't imagine them ever changing.

I haven't seen any chibs for trade whose names really stuck with me, either, so trading didn't seem to be a viable option (that, and I'm so attached to the majority of my pets. I've pretty much accepted the fact that most of them are here to stay). Jeruni, on the other hand, has a very lovely name, and as soon as I saw that you were giving him away, I knew he'd make the perfect addition to my family (it was just a matter of making sure I didn't apply for him on a whim)!

Not really sure what this is here for. Mostly to break up text, really~

Aside from costuming him ice cream, I'd like to stat him up and give him a bunch of learnies. I traded away my battling pet, and I'm in need of a new one. I was never really into battling in the first place, but since returning from my break from Marapets, I decided to put more of a focus on it. In the meantime, I've been working on Dewayne's stats, but I'd really like to start over. As much as I love my rofling pair, I'd like for there to be more statted pets in my Marafamily. In fact, I've been working on statting a lot of my permanent pets; it's a slow, expensive process, but it's worth it in the end. More pets to participate in the Olympics, am I right? ^^;

On top of that, I also plan on giving him books to read, CD's to listen to, and a plethora of other learnables. More so than my current pets, I'd like for Jeruni to be my everything pet. I've seen a few people on the site with such pets, and I've been inspired. I simply have to have one of my own, and Jeruni would fulfill that role perfectly (the one thing I might not work on is his gourmet foods; I had every intention of making Tamaki my gourmet foods pet, and I don't really see that changing anytime soon. In the future, though, who knows? I have really random whims).

Most importantly, though, I will not trade him away. You'll probably get this a lot, but I just don't see the point of trading away pets that were given to you. Something just seems inherently wrong about it, unless you've told the original owner that you have the intention of trading that pet away.

Other pets that were adopted out to me include Just, Naiyu, and Kalessi, and these three are permanent members of my family. I told their former owners that they would be loved forever and ever, and I intend to live up to that promise. I'm making that same promise to you now: If I'm chosen to adopt Jeruni, I promise I won't trade him away. I'd sooner give him away than trade him off to become trading fodder.

I realize that things change and dream pets come and go, but who's to say that Jeruni will always be an ice cream chibs? Certainly not me. I can't promise that he'll be an ice cream chibs for the rest of his days, but he'll always remain a chibs. What's more, he'd always be my chibs.

[img][/img] tl;dr- My plans for Jeruni include costuming him ice cream, statting him up, and giving him a bunch of learnies. I may change his costume again someday (as my dream pets are constantly changing), but I promise he'll always remain a chibs and I'll never trade him away.[/font]


[font=georgia]Why should you pick me?[/font]
[font=georgia]BECAUSE WHO AM I KIDDING?[/font]

[font=georgia]W[/font][font=arial]ell, to make a long answer short...there really isn't any reason you should pick me over anyone else. I'm not particularly deserving, Jeruni holds no type of sentimental value to me, and there's no deep, heart-wrenching my-dead-aunt-is-named-Jeruni reason I'm applying for this pet, other than the fact that I like chibs, I like Jeruni's name, and I like to think I'm a pretty decent person. I also like to think that I have nothing but good intentions when I apply.

Despite my reservations, I do find myself enjoying giveaways once I enter them and give myself the chance. Applications can be a lot of work, yes, but they're fun, in their own way. I like putting stuff like this together.

As much as I enjoy giveaways, though, I'm not applying for Jeruni for the sake of applying. I do have plans for him. He'll be more than just a "trophy pet" to sit on my account and look pretty. I genuinely want to obtain another chibs, and if someone else gets to adopt Jeruni, you can bet your socks that I'm still going to be looking for a chibs to add to my family.

Unlike some other applicants, I can't say a chibs is my dream pet. Honestly, I prefer to obtain my dream pets through earning them myself, not by the off-chance that I win a giveaway because the owner happened to like my application (that's not to say that applying for your dream pets is a bad thing; it's NOT, but it's hard to explain. There's a different sense of accomplishment that comes with achieving a dream pet through saving and goal-setting. I like the challenge. It gives me something to do on this site).

So no, a chibs isn't my dream pet. I'm applying for Jeruni because, honestly, it'd be cheaper to simply costume a chibs ice cream than by saving for a chibs maker. I'd rather spend my marapoints on completing the Temple with Amilise (who will be a baby willa); she's on level 21 of the Temple! An ice cream chibs isn't my dream pet (I mean, there are a LOT of pets that I like, but in the grand scheme of things, I only have three true dream pets), but I would really, really like to own one, and one way or another, whether through this giveaway or not, I promised myself I'll get one.

Furthermore, I'm a long-time Marapets player and I don't see myself quitting anytime soon. If you're looking for a stable home for Jeruni, I can promise you that you'll find it with me. I enjoy making trading boards and seeing if I can get any nice offers on my pets, true, but if I'm being completely honest (sorry to people who offer on my pets) isn't very often that I actually trade my pets. They're too hard to part with and I have a bad tendency to get really attached to them.

[img][/img] tl;dr- I don't really think I deserve Jeruni more than any other applicant, but I'm honest when I say that I really do want to give him a good home, and I'm not applying for him just for the sake of applying. I've been playing Marapets for a while, and I don't think I'll be quitting anytime soon; Jeruni will have a nice, stable home with me.[/font]


[font=georgia]Closing Statements[/font]
[font=georgia]I'VE RAMBLED ON FOR LONG ENOUGH[/font]

[font=georgia]P[/font][font=arial]hew! It looks like we've reached the end! I'm sorry if this application bored you; I promise I'm not usually this long-winded. ^^; I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read this. It's not an easy task, hosting a giveaway, especially a giveaway for pets that are as sought-after as yours. I applaud you for your patience; I would have lost every ounce of my sanity by now, if I were you.

The point is, I wish you the best of luck with rehoming your pets and with your life outside of Marapets! I don't think I've ever talked to you before, but it's always a little sad to see an old player go. If I'm given the immense honor of welcoming Jeruni to my family, I promise he'll still be here if (when?) you decide to come back and check up on him!

If not, I hope that, wherever he ends up, Jeruni will be treasured like he deserves. [img][/img]

Buh-bye! Thanks so much for reading!


[font=georgia]GOODIES AND SHOUT-OUTS[/font]

[font=georgia]E[/font][font=arial]arlier in this application, I mentioned I had an interest in graphic design. On Marapets, I like to make signatures and take requests on the Graphics Forum. I'm not really that great at making Marapets-related signatures (mostly because I've never really tried), but I attempted to make a signature for the purpose of this application. Here it is:


You can see my portfolio here:

Just to give you a taste of what it is I enjoy doing on Mara whenever I'm short on marapoints.

As far as shout-outs go, I'd like to thank my friend Mari for proofreading this and being a patient person with me in general. xD I know she probably got sick of hearing about the progress of this application, and I've asked her to look at it at least 29482478239 times.


And of course, thanks, Ashley, for hosting this giveaway! <3



Thanks, Mari and Betsy~
111 years, 5 months & 13 days ago 22nd Apr 2013 19:32

Seriously, though. This application is totally wonderful and your effort shows, okay. :'D

Good luck, Aly! ???
111 years, 5 months & 13 days ago 22nd Apr 2013 18:16
Woo! Go Alyson! That is one nice ap there C:
111 years, 5 months & 13 days ago 22nd Apr 2013 17:28
Heh, thanks, guys.

speedy619- Aww, you should still apply! Everyone has a shot. <3
111 years, 5 months & 14 days ago 21st Apr 2013 14:26
Was about to apply, then saw your application... xD Very nice! Hope you win ^^
111 years, 5 months & 14 days ago 21st Apr 2013 13:33
This is an awesome app! C:
111 years, 5 months & 14 days ago 21st Apr 2013 13:00
I thought that said Javmi at first ahahah

Good Luck! :c
111 years, 5 months & 14 days ago 21st Apr 2013 12:46
  1. ??? { idk what this is. For future use~
    21st Apr 2013 12:45
    11 years, 5 months & 14 days ago
  2. ??? { signature examples
    2nd Dec 2012 15:37
    11 years, 10 months & 1 day ago
  3. ??? { Mara Goals
    22nd Nov 2012 11:19
    11 years, 10 months & 11 days ago
  4. ??? { My Toybox
    3rd May 2012 19:55
    12 years, 5 months & 2 days ago
  5. ??? { Alyson's Guestbook!
    30th Jan 2010 00:02
    14 years, 8 months & 4 days ago