Welcome to the Pixel Kitchen!
This is where you can make your own food, suppose you have the required ingredients, of course.
Each Ingredient is 7k, except for Gold Dust, which is 10k
These ingredients will also be LA'd in the graphic forums (for cheaper, of course) so make sure you watch for them!
Here's a list of current ingredients:
When you have won an auction for an ingredient(s), you can use the ingredients immediately, or save them for later.
I keep track of everyone's ingredients. ^ ^
Alright! Here's the part you've probably been waiting for, the recipes! Here they are:
More recipes are added every few days.
Note: The following graphics are not free for you to take
Soda in a Glass
1 Coloring
1 Sugar Puddys
1 Gold Dust
1 Icing
1 Flour
Customized Candy Jar
2 Sugar
1 Icing
More to come soon!
When you have all the ingredients and you would like to make an item, please mail me or post here. c:
Also please mention which color / flavor you would like.