k has made my day!
11 years, 9 months & 6 days ago
7th Apr 2013 21:28 We were talking about the EPI and she mentioned that she had 4 pieces in her attic. This is the conversation!
k: Well I have 4,9,14 and 15 if you need any of those.
Me: 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 12, 14, 16 is what all I still need, what do you want for them I am also almost willing to let go of somethings in my gallery.
k: I don't want to take things you have worked hard to get.
Me: Well I don't have the MP to give you and I was planning on selling off stuff so I can afford the other pieces, though I'm picky about what I am willing to sell.
k: Sent them to you. No worries on when and how much you pay. They were just sitting in my attic anyways.
Owed to k 2.8 Mil (My best guess based on current prices) AND LOTS OF THANKS, HUGS AND APPRECIATION!
Note to self-3, 5, and 16