~People who have been so nice to me <3
11 years, 9 months & 8 days ago
5th Apr 2013 17:20 Nima714 - For being a great new friend and helping me with a dream pet by giving me a calico costume! Thanks so much! You are awesome XD
-Also for helping me with possibly my all time top dream pet a minipet DECADAL! 15 CC's used and a pixie and spring transformation
-Space, Emo, Chinese, TIGER, and Negative costumes too! You have no idea how happy you make me!
- Implore the Green Mordo! Thanks again!
Thanks to sweetgurl44 for giving me Dairey the Minipet mordo! Minipet Mordo has been my top dream pet since it first came out! Thanks so much! Achieved: Aug 9 2014!
shy17girl - 516 dukkas towards my goal of a stone costume for my collection! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!
CaptianE0- 6,752,251 MP to help me get enough MP for a name change!
Villain - 1mill Mp for my name change! I finally have enough! Thanks!
Warlaman - Pixie, plushie,werewolf, prize, pinata and Fire costume for my collection! Thanks, you are awesome!
GRAT2112 - Water costume and discounts on costumes
Alyssianna - Gave me a spider corset! Thanks! I was missing that and didnt think i would ever get it!
moonbeam55 - toy water gun
alive - A rune for me to get back on my feet with mp. Thanks!
DarkOblivion13 - 3 mill to help me with my dream pet and a steampunk costume! *squeals*
EleventhEcho - Some mp and loaned me a pet so that i wouldn't fail Tarquin! Thanks and i hope i can pass the other levels!
cheeseandonioncrisps - For giving me Barayas the HOBO Mordo!!! Thank you soooooooooooo much!
ZADBZAP - For giving me a Missing Food Gift Box. This is something i have needed for a while. Thank you so much! (THIS IS SO HANDY!!! I LOVE IT)
Roxxi24 - for giving me Tractenberg the native Mordo! Thank you so much he is so cute!
overthehege - 2.5mill to my recent dream pet - Eleka Mordo
Jennifer - For giving me a zombie female costume so i could participate in the trick or treat this year!
DarkRealm52-A couple gourmet foods for Malichy! Thanks for being so nice!
bopig - Shamisen
SandyII - 4 Shamisen
ladylovepets - For choosing me as one winner of her dream pet contest <3 I will be getting a wonderful cutie mordo for my Army!
sweetypie484 - for giving me a 150 dukka to get a piano i needed for troll
Swim2468 - for giving me a Shark Male Costume for my collection!
silak - orange costume for my collection!
sadie2000 - Fortune cookie to complete my set
bananafannas - birthday items i was missing